1. Brother is home. Hooray!
2. I got me (and him, and a friend) tickets to the Canada Day concert, yayayay. Is it July yet? (I ask this also in the hopes of looking outside and finding the snow gone. And the windchill not still in double digits.)
3. It is
nos4a2no9's birthday! Double yay! But boooooooo for her being all expatriated and not anywhere nere me for glomping and dinner out. Hope you had a good Monday birthday, Nos!
4. My mom made chocolate chip cookies and gave some to me om nom nom. But I forgot to bring home the leftover green curry from our lunch on Saturday. Boooo.
5. I scanned my micrographs all wrong. So that's a week wasted in the lab, go me. At least I caught it early.
Misha Collins just called Charlie Sheen a douche bag on Twitter. My exact words to this were, "Oh, boy." The internet, you guys, I don't even.