SPN 6x11

Dec 10, 2010 21:15

Hi, hello, it is SPN times!

Eva the Assistant is obviously evil. She is female and is unimpressed by Dean; by show logic that means EVOL.

Aw, Dean, dying again, seriously?

Hi, Tessa!

JULIAN FUCKING RITCHINGS. Yay, they needed to have him back so much, on account of the underused awesome.

FAMILY MEETING. At least Dean is consulting people about his cracked plans?

"I know what I'm doing." The fuck you do, Dean.

I like Tessa.

Uh-oh, Sam's lighting herbs on fire.

Balthazar! Heeeeeeeey.

"I need angel advice." "Well, then go ask your boyfriend." Hee.

Noooooooooooooooooooo. Don't do it, amoral Sammy!

Dean, I don't think judginess is a great qualification in Death.

You'd think Dean wouls have SOME philosophy about the meaning of life by now... horribly jaded ones, but still.

Dean, what if the little girl living means she just stops and suffers? She's sick, dude.

Or, okay, little girl heals after Death gives her a miss. That's nice. Not conducive to getting Dean to do his new job.

Bobby is way too smart for you, Sam.

Except for how he opened the door and went into the dark basement with homicidal crazySam. D:

Ah, here is the lesson. Someone has to die.

Wait, the little girl still has to go? Woe.

Noooooooooo, Bobby!

Ack! Jeez, Dean. Almost get the guy killed anyway, and yourself again for the 23456th time. Now go stop your crazy not!brother from killing Babby for no reason.

Also, see if Cas won't kick Balthazar's ass for you.

Wait, so is this yet one more lesson about how Dean can't avert fate (except for how he totally has before) or something about not trying to cheat death (which.,.. same.)
Whoa, good thing the ring allows teleportation.

Soulless!Sam would make a good Death. He'd have no problem getting it done.

Death endorses terrible food. I like that.






I finally have a weekend off! The downside is I have a major presentation to do on Tuesday that I am going to spend the whole time preparing for. Hold me.

Also, I am trying a new layout. Check it.

i want another degree for some reason, unforgivable whining, i am not making an spn tag dammit

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