After weeks of 20 degree weather, early spring followed by this week of wild thunderstorms we are going to have... snow, tomorrow evening. Haha, Canada, if I didn't love you we would have to have WORDS. (No snowing on my birthday plz thx.)
An anonymous and
paya27 sent me milk a cookies on my profile! Yaye! Thanks! \o/
And, lest you expect actual content from me, here is
mrs_laugh_track asked me to explain these icons:
Callum, golfing. Because, see, there was that interview, right? With the fidgeting and the philosophizing about hitting balls and the damn
JEANS he wore. Seriously, I am still kind of stuck on those jeans. IDEK.
This is my angry icon. See, it's not supposed to actually make any sense, because it's from
Married to the Sea and nothing makes sense over there. The
guy with shoulder circles living in the
vase is a recurring character of ridiculosity, as is the card trick guy who
provokes him by holding up rectangles or something. IDK, to me, it's funny.
Sometimes you just ty anyway, even knowing it'll probably end badly... Poor Mario.
A science icon! It is a section of a chart on the different kinds of water ice. Did you know there are different kinds of water ice? At near-freezing temperatures you get hexagonal ice that makes pretty, stellar flakes, a little colder and you get nodules, then granules. At about -70C it becomes cubic ice. At -160, you start getting vitreous, or amorphous ice if you freeze it fast enough (liquid nitrogen is not good for this because of calefaction, but you can keep liquid ethane liquid with nitrogen, so problem solved!) which is where we do cryogenic work. :D?
Surprise!Doakes is surprising. This icon is good for times when things are startling. Or stalkery. Also I just find it funny to see Doakes pop up at this SRS MOMENTS all ha-HA motherfucker!
Fraser sees what you did there! An icon I don't get enough opportunity to use. Though I suppose it works in stalkery situations, too, but Fraser is just too good for that. More nosy than stalkery, then. Heh.
Ta-da! Feel free to ask me about other of my icons. Or ask me to choose some of yours.
Anyway, lalala, my mom is yelling at me to get off the computer. Ta!