the season's finally turned and i'm walking down to work

Apr 28, 2010 20:28

Firstly: I love baklava. Even baklava that's slightly soggy from being in the fridge overnight. *om nom nom nom*

Second: Forgiveness Rock Record is kind of making my life. There are songs on here I heard at the free Harbourfront show last July, and I hadn't even realized until now! There is much win. Ah, Broken Social Scene. ♥

Nearly as awesome is The New Pornographers' Together. Also there is a new Stars album coming! Spring/Summer of awesome musics, yo.

Third: Look at this freaking trailer for Shattered.

image Click to view

(via mamaffy and scriggle and other fine folks.)

Callum, you are a series lead again! Yayeee.

Fourth: Look at all this fic from the Porn Tag! How so awesome, everybody?

Fifth: Not news -- Misha Collins is the specialest snowflake in HISTORY. IDEK. (The story behind the orange underpants is lolz enough [thanks for pointing me to it, karabou], but this picture, I don't even.)

Sixth: Sent my tax return away. Should hopefully get $2300 back, some of which I will use to buy Things! O flist, what should I frivolously spend some of this sweet refund on (when I get it of course. I'm not silly enough to spend before the cheque appears.)

Seventh: I am considering turning the icon on this post to my default, because Emily Haines > most everything (where is Canadian indie fandom (bandom?), honestly. It's possible I couldn't handle that much RPF after a while, but goddammit I can't even look at it gingerly if it doesn't exist!).

Eighth: Structural biochemistry is complicated. Also, why is Crabby PhD Student so crabby? Is it just because he wants to be done so bad? I seriously don't think I am to hard to teach, even in a full day of fuckoff detailed microscopy work, but the snippiness is not appreciated even if it IS your default, dude. (just... idk, it's like every damn thing is an irritation, with him.)

Ninth: Hi. Tomorrow is Thursday! That is nearly Friday. :D

music, my life is so exciting, i like tags, wtf, squee, look at this!, some people, consumerism, omfg, my kingdom for an attention span, i want another degree for some reason, c6d, omgyay, things fall off the internet, rambly, \o/, idek, c6d porn tag, ckr, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, shattered, segues are for the weak

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