I wanna leave, but the world won't let me go (tell the survivors, help is on the way)

Apr 09, 2010 21:00

The month of April can just eff right off, okay.

So, my committee meeting is over, and went about as well as I figured it would, which isn't so very great at all. But it's over, and I can move on the the next crushing amount of work. Have I told you about how I have no weekend? While half the flist is in Seattle having insanely fun fangirl times, and a fair portion of the other half is having online fun that I can't even stop to read right now, I have another presentation to prepare and a Saturday and Sunday spent in the lab. Which segues into having to show up at the lab at 6:30am from Monday to Wednesday, the latter of which is of course the day when I have to do this presentation I have no idea about for a class I shouldn't even be in. Also I am still getting over a cold and the laundry in my building has been broken for two weeks. Not at I have time to do wash ANYWAY. I don't have time for this post

FML, really. I just want to have this shiat done and sleep. Having no weekend makes me really cranky, considering I haven't really had a full one yet since... weeks ago idk.

But, you know, if I wanted to have perspective about the difficulty in my life, all I had to do was watch SPN,

So, it didn't wow me? But I'm not as WTFed about the ending thing with Lisa as a great number of folks seem to be. Yeah, it was a little random, but some random continuity is nicer than just the generalized swiss-cheese plot stuff the writing team comes up with on occasion. (And I wanted her to say Ben was Dean's after all, even though that probably would have set the whole internet shrieking. I mean, come on, it goes right with the Daddy Issues thing!) Lisa and Ben are, to me, less something Dean thought about in practical terms than they are symbolic both to Dean and to the show... which took the Madonna/Whore complex it has to a whole new textual level, just there.

Anyway, I saw Dean's decision coming a mile away. The running away to Do What He Has To Do was inevitable, and the Lisa thing is really incidental. We all knew he was cracking, since Famine.

I'm not sure how Dean's proposed "deal" is going to go down, though. Knowing how screwy the angels are, I suspect not they way he, or they, think. Especially not with a pissed-off, desperate Sam on their asses the whole time. And I think Dean, though glorious in his manpain, is not... devious enough to make a watertight deal for everyone he feels needs looking after. I mean, as if those yahoos up in Heaven will accept or honour conditions about Sam or Castiel.

I hope there is the Sam/Cas show coming up. I kind of love the idea. And maybe Sam can keep the angel from tipping himself head-first into the next available keg, since Dean couldn't be arsed to care. That, or they become drinking buddies and snark in dead languages.

IDK. The show is a bit of a trainwreck, but dammit it is an entertaining trainwreck!

Making me happy: people sent me puppies for my profile! Yay, brigantine1 and akamine_chan!

Also, there is spn_omens, yeeeeeeah. Needed to happen A LONG TIME AGO. I live in hope for much traffic there. *waits*

Anyway. Hopefully I'll still be sane by the end of next week, and we can run a damn game of Porn Tag like I said. Peace out.

ETA: Also, last weekend it was 27C. I had my windows open and fans going, and people were wearing shorts and getting Easter sunburns. Today, -5 windchill, snow flurries. Oh, Canada.

unforgivable whining, my life is so exciting, i am not making an spn tag dammit, crazytown, i like tags, do not want, tired of waking up tired, argh, angst, meh, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, i want another degree for some reason, i love you all, rl

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