
Feb 01, 2010 15:31

... which should have been appended to my last post if I didn't have a memory like Swiss cheese but whatEVER.

Who on LJ do you ship me with? Bonus points for outlining the ridiculous AU fic that you would write about us ( Read more... )

query, i like tags, silly, meme, \o/, no value, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork

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umbrella_half February 1 2010, 21:34:07 UTC
meresy/nos4a2no9, clearly. Also with zabira and maybe even slidellra.

In my AU you're all space pirates, and sexytimes ensue when you're hit by a magical sexy!ray. (And possibly a magical sexy!Ray too.) When the ray/Ray wears off (hehe, Ray wearing off sounds dirty) you are forced to face up to your undying love for one another, and there is much soul-searching and angst. You're the science officer of this space pirate ship, of course. What are the others, I wonder...

I may have been reading too much Star Trek: Reboot fic of late. Maybe.


meresy February 1 2010, 23:01:05 UTC
Heeeeeeeeeeee. ♥


akamine_chan February 2 2010, 00:22:52 UTC
No, no. It's totally meresy/nos4a2no9/zabira, and slidellra/omphale23.

Actually, now that I think about it, nos4a2no9 is like the little black dress of dS fandom: you can ship her with everyone and it totally works.


nos4a2no9 February 2 2010, 01:19:03 UTC
Did you just call me promiscuous? I think you DID!

*beams at you*

Also, hi! I completely fail at life, but I am just now writing you an email thanking you for that lovely Christmas card you sent. Back in November. *headdesk*


umbrella_half February 2 2010, 22:40:03 UTC
Aka, we should totally have shipping wars ABOUT LJ PAIRINGS. NOTHING BAD CAN COME OF THIS. *g*


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