I had a thought today: Samuel Winchester totally listens to CBC Radio 3. Think about it. It's all Tegan & Sara all the time with that guy. Dean despairs.
Oh, boy...
This ep is going to KILL ME with embarrassment. I need moral support. /m\
OW. Mean poltergeist, carving words in a girl's stomach. D:
LOL salad shake. Oh, Sammy.
Creepy Gary kid is v. creepy.
Sam gets all the drugs, for real.
... Not news, but Jared Padalecki? Sort of an enormous dude. The 234567 layers of Sam clothes kind of hide that.
Oh, no way Dean just switches that easy. Or believes Sam would back into the freaking dumpster.
Sam, call Bobby already. Or Cas. Dean's phones are obvs not working.
"Ya little, Satanic bastard." Heeee.
Dean's WTF!face FTW. Total fail at noticing the weird, though. Gary is just way too agreeable to be Sam. (Well, okay, he's NOTICING, but he's pulled a gun on family for less.)
Gary! Don't be evil! Why you wanna shoot a guy? (Also: ghost hunting. Wouldn't the gun be loaded with salt?)
Ow, the dart again?
Oh, Dean, so close to the mark, yet so far. C'mon, Dean, think harder. You know this is hinky.
=/ =/ =/
Craaaaaaaazy teenagers. Crazy. And stupid. Aaaaaand dead.
Good call, Gary. You really don't want to meet Lucifer.
"Totally lied." LOL, Sam. (... They really don't know what they're doing with Sam, anymore, do they? *sigh*)
Okay, so, can we have a PLOT episode next week? Please? Because Hell wanting to get ahold of Sam and Dean is NOT NEWS. Also this ep suffered a severe lack of Cas and/or Bobby. >:(