White Collar!

Jan 20, 2010 19:33

I has a White Collar icon. :D Two, even. :D :D

Okay, so, just WATCHING Neal be on the phone cold calling randoms is giving me the jibblies. I have no idea why I even TRIED that call centre job back in the day. It is clearly Not For Me.

... Late-night phone calls and wanting to come over to Peter's house instead of meet at the office. I think my slask goggles just cracked with the force of the subtext and Neal's worst "casual" voice.

Except Jones is there. Mood-killer! :P

That damn ring. Dun-dun-dun! (I vote class ring shared by many other FBI-types. Only reason for such a giant man-ring on your PINKY.)

Aw, Neal, so sad that his boyfriend (maybe) played him like that! *pets*

That is not Peter's guilty face. That is his "I am confused and not sure what your angle is but I'm starting to get a picture" face. Neal doesn't play very close to the vest when he's emotional, hmm?

These stock-broker characters are weirdos. Like really smart, sociopathic frat boys. (Also "Brad" totally wants to jump Neal; don't tell me all that tension is professional. :P)

"A lot of us have those rings!" Sure! But you didn't decide to tell Neal what it was when he showed you the picture?

It's kind of awesome that El is in on the fight about the ring. OT3! And ten-year ring, okay...

Wow, he seems easily reassured. \o? (He really didn't want to believe Peter would betraaaaay him. ♥)

"Or I can practice holding my breath." Heh. That's what he said.

Also a vacuum would be v. uncomfortable and also bad for the circulation. Hard enough vacuum and you'd pass out in a few seconds. And really, wouldn't it be cheaper, easier and just as effective to blow all the air out of the room with nitrogen and then seal it? Much less pressure work... but who needs realism?

That is a strangely small flat-screen TV for this dude's taste. You'd think even before the major swindle he would embiggen is home theatre. That's, like, the first thing one does with new money.

Yep, I knew it was a good idea to do undercover games where this dude keeps all kinds of shotguns.

Oh, now they are both in the sealed room. D'oh! At least no one gets shot. Time for buddy-breathing. (XD)

Aww, Neal gave the air thing to Peter. That's love. (I wanted buddy-breathing dammit!)

... Neal's hair would not move like that in a vacuum. Also they would be having decompression problems, I should thing. Lots of gross soft-tissue damage, anyway. That pump was pretty rapid! If Neal lost consciouness inna vacuum and couldn't hold his breath any more his lungs probably would have collapsed. =/

MAN, all that vacuum fail and not even any mouth-to-mouth. Or hugging. (They are still boyfriends.)

"Leave Neal alone." Ahaha. Aw, Peter, so possessive.

(Kate is so bland! Is it the actress or do I just not care because Neal is so in the OT3 already?)

"The Nazis looted it in World War 2." Naw, a different war, Peter. (Thanks, writing team! :P)

Did this show just get slashier? Because I wasn't sure it really could.

LOL. "Everyone assumed I had it and I never... corrected them." Oh, Neal.

This show is ridiculous. You need to watch it.

white collar, flailing, squee, tv

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