Still here!

Jan 08, 2010 18:29

Hi! I aten't dead, just veryveryvery busy at school the week after holidays. Doing a major experiement that takes a ton of prep and having to go into the lab at 6am on Monday, and 8am every day after that. Not a lot of time or brainpower for internets. It's good to be busy, though? Even if people keep saying my project looks risky, which is starting to give me a complex. It hinges very much on next week's results, because if that doesn't work I'll be stuck in troubleshooting hell and I have my first committee meeting probably the end of next month, and the PI needs data for the next CIHR grant competition. So, uh. Pray for me?

In other news! I got holiday cards this week.brynnmck sent me a card with a PUPPY on it and a note that made me all verklempt. ♥ And akamine_chan sent a handmade card with an Einstein quote and an awesome snowflake-ornament-thingy that is like, made of gel or glue or win or something. It's got silver and awesome. \o/

I have not read ANY Yuletide or DSSS yet. Woe!

I have had about two martinis already. Lab meeting was slightly nervous-making, okay?

*relaxes, for surely I shall not relax next week*

my life is so exciting, crazytown, flailing, i like tags, rambly, drunk, idek, angst, \o/, drive-by, meep, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, i want another degree for some reason, i love you all, rl

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