
Oct 31, 2009 22:32

Instead of Halloween anything, I stayed home tonight and watched TV and read fic a lot. Yay, me! Tomorrow I am headed to
nos's for movies and candy, though. I might attempt stealing her cat again (he is so wee! And fuzzy and snuggly! I loff him.)

ANYWAY. So, I heard a few people talk about White Collar on my flist this past week, and randomly it was on Bravo today after Practical Magic (...shut up) so I checked it out. It was amusing! And very, very slashy omg. Just... Neal. He's very... *hands* Hee. Also Peter/Neal/Elizabeth OT3 of awesome y/y/definitely?

Oh, and! Thoughts which can be basically summed up as DEAN. BOBBY. Just. Oh, Dean. P.S. HUG BOBBY ALREADY. And your brother while you're at it. Jesus. How do they survive such emotional constipation? Also: LOL, grumpy old men. Dean is going to grow up to be the crankiest, most inappropriate old coot EVER. <3 (Provided he, like, survives his LIFE and stuff. Ayy.)

Then Hugh Dillon on The Hour with myboyfriendGeorge. NEITHER CAPSLOCK NOR WORDS OR BOTH CAN FULLY CONVEY MY LOVE. I CAN'T EVEN. BOOOOOOOYS. I... was kind of shipping them just a little. A little! Because how fucking adorkable can they BE before you just have to? Whatever. RPS epics have been built on FAR less okay.

Hi. *beams toothily and goes hunting for White Collar fic* Oooh, a SPN crossover...

omgyay, i am not making an spn tag dammit, flailing, i like tags, idek, \o/, squee, special hell, myboyfriendgeorge, the hour, hugh dillon, tv, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork

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