TV date night

Sep 24, 2009 22:45

So, watching SPN with Nos every week is awesome because we get to have srs bsns conversations about the plot arc and where we want this to go vs. where we think it's being taken.

And also how hilarious that whole get-Castiel-laid thing was because OMGgggggggg. Even before the word "virgin" was actually mentioned I was chortling about Cas bringing "special oil". Bamp-chicka-wa-wa. But then Dean had to take it that much further by assuring Castiel that he was not spending his possible last night on Earth unlaid. ORLY, DEAN. ARE YOU GUARANTEEING THAT YOURSELF?! And OMG Castiel's terrified little face when Dean started talking about women. Heeeeeeee.

In non-hilarity: Saaaaaaaam. Oh, Sammy. Can somebody get that guy a break?

And I really got a big whiff of denial in Dean's speech about being better alone. I see how he could be feeling a little relieved, but no way is it all just peachy-keen with him. And way to retcon him being totally miserable all the time with Sam around. Last season was hardly the way it always goes.

nos and i are total party girls, i am not making an spn tag dammit, flailing, silly, tv

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