Jul 02, 2009 21:22


Someone come kill it for me!

D: D: D:

do not want, nature hates me, haaaaaaaate

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vsee July 3 2009, 02:32:26 UTC
I will come and mostly fearlessly deal with June bugs, if you will come by here and deal with anything with "pede" anywhere in the name.

ETA: or "wig"


meresy July 3 2009, 02:36:30 UTC
Wigpedes nooooooooooooooooooo.

I hate these too, but at least they won't fly at me.

'Cepting that time a centipede FELL ON MY HEAD from the ceiling. D: D:

I had the jibblies for DAYS...


vsee July 3 2009, 03:03:03 UTC
I am not great with bugs, but there was only one time where I really was like, OK why is there not some sort of service to call where they come to your house wearing large boots and carrying big swatters, because I am seriously NOT MENTALLY EQUPPED. That was for a multiple inches long 'pede of some sort that looked like a rubber bug out of a gumball machine. I just about had a nervous breakdown, before I finally executed it by smothering it with dish detergent. *is mightly, in the girliest possible way*


meresy July 3 2009, 03:07:26 UTC
I hate bugs forever. *shudder* Especially flying ones or fast ones. They could jump on me! D:

Earwigs in my bathingsuit, every summer. Lurking mantises and walking stocks on the screen door, wasps in the eaves, bees crawling into my can of coke...



vsee July 3 2009, 03:10:34 UTC
I try so very hard not to hate them, and I have a truce with them outside, especially if I am wearing gloves in the garden. But if they come into the house, they have Broken The Rules, and I have to struggle with my nonsquashing ethics vs. my sheer terror.

Actually, i probably end up squishing more in the garden, because my method of pest control is trapping and or/squishing beetles and slugs.

I really want to be one of those better people who doesn't kill fellow creatures, but...those 'pedes and 'wigs make me want to sob.


brigantine July 3 2009, 05:57:08 UTC
I finally executed it by smothering it with dish detergent.

*flails* I've done that! Or at least that's how I caught the critter so I could stomp on it. We get these big, fat outdoor cockroaches that sometimes wander in on warm days. They look like a shiny black thumbprint scurrying across the floor, and I usually discover them at about 3 a.m., while I'm on my way to the can, half asleep and barefoot. DO NOT WANT.


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