MERES. Okay, so, maybe this made me cry? But in a good way. LOOK I'M A SAP, ALL RIGHT. I'M VERY EMOTIONAL. :D?
It was kind of hilarious, because she was in ALL CAPS but also trying to assure me she wasn't a nut.
HAHAHA. Omg I had to go back to the fic to do a tag switch or something and I saw that comment and I was all AWWWW and then I was all ::wince:: and "HOW DID SHE NOT RUN AWAY FROM ME."
Oh, Meres, you DID turn me into a slasher. I'M REALLY HAPPY ABOUT THAT OKAY. <3333333
She does ANGST and ADORABLE with equal facility. Also metaphors. And OT3s.
AHHHHHHHHHH. ::blushes and hides:: Thank you bb. You forgot "commas".
ILU! ::smishes:: I am putting this post on my memories because omg yay, you are so sweet and I HAPPEN TO LOVE HEARTS A LOT, OKAY. AND YOU. <333333
For reals, you gave me a FANDOM and that was like, the best thing ever. ::twirls you forever and ever and ever::
Yes omg that whole exchange is VERY AMUSING. And now you have 670 emails from me. HAHAHA. Yay :D
I CAN'T. I SAW THE PREVIEWS FOR THAT JOHNNY DEPP/CHRISTIAN BALE MOVIE WHERE THEY'RE GANGSTERS AND I'M LIKE, "OH HAI." I mean the slash goggles are a permanent fixture when you get them, yeah?
Comments 31
It was kind of hilarious, because she was in ALL CAPS but also trying to assure me she wasn't a nut.
HAHAHA. Omg I had to go back to the fic to do a tag switch or something and I saw that comment and I was all AWWWW and then I was all ::wince:: and "HOW DID SHE NOT RUN AWAY FROM ME."
Oh, Meres, you DID turn me into a slasher. I'M REALLY HAPPY ABOUT THAT OKAY. <3333333
She does ANGST and ADORABLE with equal facility. Also metaphors. And OT3s.
AHHHHHHHHHH. ::blushes and hides:: Thank you bb. You forgot "commas".
ILU! ::smishes:: I am putting this post on my memories because omg yay, you are so sweet and I HAPPEN TO LOVE HEARTS A LOT, OKAY. AND YOU. <333333
For reals, you gave me a FANDOM and that was like, the best thing ever. ::twirls you forever and ever and ever::
I go back to those comments sometimes, because they are FUNNY. You were so wound up with OMG! Feedback! OMG! Friend! OMG! OT3 icon! OMG!
I AM ALSO REALLY HAPPY I TURNED YOU INTO A SLASHER. Be aware it's for life, now. You'll never be able to watch a buddy-show again without slashing.
And heeeeee, I was going to put commas, then I thought better of it. :D? ♥!
*is twirled dizzy* ♥ ♥ ♥
Yes omg that whole exchange is VERY AMUSING. And now you have 670 emails from me. HAHAHA. Yay :D
I CAN'T. I SAW THE PREVIEWS FOR THAT JOHNNY DEPP/CHRISTIAN BALE MOVIE WHERE THEY'RE GANGSTERS AND I'M LIKE, "OH HAI." I mean the slash goggles are a permanent fixture when you get them, yeah?
Well it's TRUFAX, my love of commas. :DDDD
<33333 &hearts:xeleventy-million
More like 980 emails, bb. There'll be 1000 soon. Keep reaching for that crazy star, y/y? :D
Hey, don't knock commas. They're pretty awesome. Just not so awesome you need 5 in one sentence. XD
because she was in ALL CAPS but also trying to assure me she wasn't a nut.
showed up at the top of my screen and I thought I missed something about zabira. You clearly have a type, Meres. :D
Apparently I do!
Z never tried to tell me she wasn't crazy, though. :P
I hope you're having a FABULOUS DAY! &hearts
BUT I hope you're having a spiffy day too - heaven knows you've earned it, you shiny grad. student, you! *tickles you*
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