Pearls before swine flu

Apr 28, 2009 16:18

I really pity the RT-PCR monkeys in Winnipeg who must be running umpty-billion flu swabs this week. Happily, while the news establishment seems to be lining up to flip their shit, WHO and the CDC and Health Canada and so on seem mostly chill about it, if cautious.

Fun facts I have gleaned:

- swine H1N1 doesn't really resemble human H1N1, so even if October's vaccine cocktail included those antigens it doesn't really matter.
- it's sensitive to antivirals, so that's all right.
- there have been no deaths outside of Mexico, for whatever reason. People mostly just get ILI and recover, so it's proceeding pretty much like human flu, which kills thousands of people every year and infects hundreds of thousands or millions more (perspective is fun).
- I'm not finding any reliable info on whether or not this is a reassorted virus. I'm not inclined to believe a single science magazine article on the matter.

In conclusion: unless you are chilling right this moment with sniffly ConQuest victims you are probably in the clear.


In other news, the maple trees have bloomed overnight and I am very itchy. *itches* I hate pollen, guys. But hey, the immune system, she is robust!

Still no response on the supervisor thing. I don't know if this is good, bad or indifferent. Maybe she is seeing if the administrative issues can be worked out before saying anything? :D? I suppose if I don't hear back by midday tomorrow I will email again.

Pizza with tomatoes and prosciutto and artichokes and marinated eggplant = om nom nom.

I want to buy Kate Beaton's book so bad omg.

I am thinking of maybe running some kind of a spring dS/C6D pornathon... thing. Like maybe a sort of tag game where people can sign up and then tag each other with small prompts like slidellra's C6D tag game of yore? Then have 24 hours to post something big or small which I will collect and make into linky. Good idea, Y/N?

I just really want you all to write me sexy ficlet things.

idek, nature hates me, food, wtf, due south, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, i want another degree for some reason, query, the thing about me is i'm kind of a dork

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