1. Um. Does anyone have a Dreamwidth invite lying around today? Because I would like one, please. *beams*
I just want to be one of the cool kids! ;_;
keerawa loves me best, dudes! :P
2. I FINALLY have my ThinkGeek stuff off of DHL. YAY. I am now the proud owner of a really weird Rubik's cube that is apparently from Japan, mugs shaped like 400mL beakers and a Periodic Table shower curtain (like what Leonard and Sheldon have on BBT). My shower will now be the coolest ever. (And I can replace that hideous flowered thing my landlady put up, yeeuch.)
3. Gord Downie made me have dreams about dS. I think I dreamed it was back on TV and Gord was going to make songs for the show. Yay! And talk about literal, brain. >.>
MORE AWESOME (Flashpoint cast info.)
6. Um. The end.