Another one for the ages:
Some guy thinks fanfiction needs to stop. We are harshing his fanboy squee by cruelly AMBUSHING him with links to pr0ny fanfic, guys. Cease at once!
Things that are not wank-filled:
Stanza, which while not perfect, allows me to load up all kinds of said ev0l prony fanfic onto my iPod without having to email it to
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Also, I love that he feels that porn--of the non-fic variety--is a much healthier outlet for our sexual impulses. O...kay? So it's okay to watch it, just not to write it? Thank you for making that helpful suggestion, sir! I will go download some crappy porn made by dudes RIGHT NOW.
I'd be annoyed if I weren't so HILARITIZED.
Happy birthday, Toronto! *showers it with sparkles*
Whatevs, guy. *lulz*
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