BSG 4x15

Feb 16, 2009 19:02



I mean, okay. Ellen. Ellen is alive and bothering Cavil who is apparently made to be like her father ewwww which I guess implies each of the cylons were modelled after someone who meant something to her. Or the others? WTF. This is all very incestuous.

And Saaaaaaaam. Sammy. He has to be okay, he really does. And is it me our does he sound a lot like the hybrid now? Someone get Leoben around, y/n?

Also YAY. The Chief is the Chief again!

So Ellen is the designer who helped the cylons evolve? And Cavil is their leader (at least now) and her opposite number among the cylons? The first she made, anyway. WTF.

Sam ilu. *pets gently* Also Kara laughing at Tyrol and Tory. Hee. And so the reinvented resurrection, but who invented it? There was a "first" group of cylons on Kobol? That went to Earth. Right. Damn you, recursion! Also who bombed Earth? The humans again? WTF.

Ahhh, Leland Adama and his Political Destiny continues!

Oh dear. The ol' girl is giving up on you, Admiral. Why would he ask Tyrol to have an all-human crew, though? Surely they haven't shown loyalty across the board, and if the cylons could work faster...

Saaaaaaaaaaaaam. (Yeah, that's going to be my reaction every time. Deal.)

Who is number seven? Dun dun DUN.

Geez Cavil, take a pill. Go be a hybrid if you want to live in space.

Oh, Tigh, ILU.

Neurosurgeons. *hands*

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. Write it down, bb. Then let them fix your poor scrambled brains. What Kara wouldn't probably give for resurrection now.

Man, I knew Cavil was the biggest creeper of all the cylons, but wow. Megalomania much?

Daniel. Hmm.

C'mon, Boomer. You know he's crazy. (Ellen not less so, really. Squabbling families, oy.)

Adama, you want Galactica fixed or not? I think he'll come around on the resin stuff once something implodes.

God, I hate those frigging pin halos. My great uncle wore one for months before he died.

C'mon, Dad, let Tyrol fix your ship.


Boomer! Way to be. I knew she'd help Ellen out.

Awww, Sam and Kara.

WTF bitchy nurse. That's not buddies at ALL. Saaaaaam! He has to be okay! Or Ellen can fix him! Or something. :O

Adama, man, take it easy with the pills and booze, yo. =/

SHOW. Still needs more Leoben. Any Leoben.

bsg, tv

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