Picspam time! The Flu/Fever Comorbidity Edition.

Dec 09, 2008 21:41

As I noted in a previous post, sionnain has capslocked her way into C6D fandom and, most recently, its attendant circle of Special Hell (the actor RPS, in case you weren't paying attention.) The fangirls have been helping her along with her squee in the form of stories and fic and the odd link back to tinhatty posts of yore, and I thought I'd get to work and assemble a bit of a picspam. You know, for visual aids! Turns out I have some pictures knocking around. It's been done before, of course, but squee doesn't really get old, and Sionn is new. *g*

So, Callum and Hugh. We like them okay. In fact, we like them okay enough to be a little bit (harmlessly!) crazy in their general direction. Because that's how we roll, and also BOYS. Yes, that's a reason.

Pictures of Hugh or Callum are very happy-making. Pictures if Hugh AND Callum being adorable and wearing matching jewellery are sdfghjikhygfwasrftgyhujkijhgfdsa.

Right? Yes.

This is... sort of apropos of exaclty nothing in this picspam, except for the whole POINT. I just. I want that roll of film. Yesterday. (P.S. CLOSE CONTACT. *keymash*) And also all the cut material for Hard Core Logo.

Ooooh, segue!

See, back in the day, these guys were in a movie. Some of you may have heard of it. In this movie they did their level best to exude enough chemistry together to make recreational drugs all but obsolete (as evidenced by the amount of fic-based crack that followed a decade or so later). Anyhow, they were pretty, and became friends, and shared a tour bus for a while, and acted like goofs, and ignored each others' personal space. And it was Good.

The level of DORK here is just. IDEK. (Also, I put it to you, o flist, that while Callum's hotness certainly endures and matures along with the man himself, he was some kind of otherwordly PRETTY back in the day, y/y? Okay, I admit some bias.)

asdfghjkhgfdsadklkjthrgefwdfghtja. Ahem. (THEY SMOOSH THEMSELVES! NO FANGIRL EFFORT NECESSARY)

*draws tiny hearts*

Oh, right! The movie.


This next part I call 'Joe and Billy are totally boyfriends.' Or 'life, art, imitation and my shiny tinhat.'


<3 <3 <3 <3

To me, this is evidence that what we've been doing all along with this \o/ is HUGH DILLON ARMS. Also, hi, they made up this scene. THEMSELVES. *beams*


They make smoking look good!

Billy you have your own mic. Seriously. (♥)

Personal space what?


Not. Enough. Hearts. In. The. World.


I got nothin'.

Okay, technically missing one here, but RING and SMILE and sdfghjsgyhuj.

Callum cannot turn it OFF. *dies*




Okay, now back to posed photos...

What photographer?


Now they are doing a movie AGAIN. Because they want to HANG OUT and they don't get to enough now that Hugh is Mr. Flashpoint in the East and Callum is always busy in the West. Just. LET'S RELIVE THE MAGIC.

In conclusion!

*takes a bow, exits*

ckr, sionn probably needs her own tag now, flailing, squee, picspam, special hell, hugh dillon

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