I have just had my mind BLOWN, dudes. Also, meme.

Nov 03, 2008 16:10

Um, so, sionnain and I were on the topic of internet videos that will never NOT be awesome, like "All Your Base" or "End of Ze World" (which, still awesome, right?) and Sionn referenced "Wishmaster - The Misheard Lyrics" and I was like "whut?" and she was like "OMG!"

Which, seriously, guys, go watch this thing right now. O_o (Warning for uh... bad music? Danger of spewing drink on keyboard and/or laughing in such a manner as to alarm your coworkers?)


ETA: I just stole this likely-looking meme off of sdwolfpup:

You see me in the back of a police car. What was I arrested for?

*looks innocent and Canadian*

hilare, silly, meme, \o/, wtf, omfg

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