So, here is the rest of the Eclipse picspam, as
vaguely promised. In which Ray and Fraser are very pretty, yet again.
Stalker Ray is kind of a stalker. *pets him*
Fraser doesn't get it. He only stalks under orders. Or people named Ray.
He is also pretty.
Query: the ears are adorable, y/fy?
Serious Fraser is seriously pretty.
Oh, hijinks. Show!
"I did not know you swung that way, Fraser."
"You're just jealous."
Ray will neither confirm nor deny this.
I think his cover is blown, though.
His little FACE. ♥
Ray: "Do you find me attractive?"
(Fangirls: "asdfghjkl.")
Fraser: "Keep leaning on things that way and you will find out in a hurry."
Ray: *leans*
♥_♥ Consider the matter a little more, Fraser. :P
Ray was not asking the fangirls. He knows the peanut gallery thinks he's sexy. He's trying to suss out the Mountie, here. Stop cramping his smooth, smooth style.
Who can resist the glasses, honestly? The man should not be reduced to cruising in crypts (with an audience, no less.)
*leans some more*
... There's not a lot I can say about that cap to make it more ♥ than it is.
♥ ♥ ♥
These two should really be illegal. I mean, is that at all fair? *points* I thought not.
"...I took this bus, I got on this plane, and all because it's physically impossible for me to stay still for more than about two minutes."
Oh, yes, very badass. You dork. ♥
Sucha deeply unflattering shot. I still want to lick him. (Then dispense noogies, possibly.)
Glasses! ♥
Is now stalking time again.
"I don't get bad dreams. Can you get it to send me sexy dreams? About you? Not that I need help in that direction, just, you know..."
"Maybe later, Ray. Now it's time for backstory angst. We have to fulfill our quota for this episode."
"Okay, then." *angsts prettily*
All right, that's enough.
"So, seriously, can you work something with this dreamcatcher thing?"
"Better at least make a good frisbee."
He's really kind of a nut. *loves*
"Oh, yeah!"
Poor Ray. *pets*
Not dead, just restin'.
Ray and Fraser give very good "we mean srs bsns" walk. I think there should have been a businesslike striding sequence in every ep, yes?
*meaningful glance is meaningful*
Man, the resolution on these isn't good enough to get The Eyelashes. *hmph*
Maybe a little. ♥
Hands! Bracelet! ♥!
Ooh, it's not right to be that pretty and that smug.
I will get crazy right in your face!
*loves loves loves* OMG, party dorks. *loves*
*draws a big heart around them*
Fraser, you are a turkey. *loves*
(Ray agrees.)
BOYS. Eee.
Okay, I'm done for now. *goes to get food*