Hi! I got the wireless to work! \m/

Oct 11, 2008 20:19


I am home for Thanksgiving! I thought I was all internetless, since for the longest time now the wireless here has been frigged in some way, but this time it worked! Hi. I missed you. For less than a day. *clings to internet*

Anyhow, I am watching Road To Passchendaele. Paul! On my TV! Behind the scenes shenanigans! I'm glad that Google Alerts and a movie trailer that played during the first period of the Toronto-Montreal game reminded me this was on. This documentary seems like it'll be interesting!

ION, I am SO FULL of food. We had roast beef tonight. *om nom nom* And my mom made this RIDICULOUS dessert -- an apple dip made of cream cheese with brown sugar and cinnamon, covered with caramel and smashed-up Skor bars. Oh, my God.

Okay, back to Paul. ♥!

film, paul @#$%! gross, \o/, rl, passchendaele, tv

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