Today is a day of win!
Firstly, it is the birthday of my bestest Cousin
j_s_cavalcante, who is really to awesome for words. She's such an awesome lady, and her enthusiasm for fandom burns brightly even when she is deep in the art cave. Which also bears mentioning because her art is fantastic and improving all the time and I'm so completely envious of her drawing skills. And she gives her flist
birthday gifts on her birthday. I also got to meet her at CanCon, which was so excellent (especially since I'd somehow formed the impression that she was going to be at Pacificon and was then sad when I saw she wasn't.) Anyway. JS, how so superlative? ♥
Secondly! It is ALSO the birthday of
bluebelle789, another kindred spirit of mine, which with the affinity for pretty, pretty pictures. Bluebelle also makes BEAUTIFUL fanart and icons from said pictures, so she's one up on me. Plus, you know, she's just excellent, and fangirls what I fangirl and therefore is obviously cool. I know where she lives, so at some point I clearly have to go kidnap her and bring her to Canada, right?
And in conclusion, DS Match Reveal Day! You are all rockstars and I stand in awe of your mad, mad skills.
And I'm also all proud of myself -- I didn't guess authors often, but when I did I was RIGHT. *punches air* SB, JS, and Nos, seems I know how you roll. Hee. ♥