Because I love what
nuraya is doing, I'm shamelessly stealing the idea for myself!
1. Insert character, pairing, or group
2. Insert song (lyrics and/or just a video)
3. Receive small fic.
Some things I'm willing to write in may not be the best because of long time, no familiarity, but I'll try.
List of FandomsWeiss Kreuz
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From the first days of being stuck in Schwarz, Nagi decided that he could never be completely like them. They all had powers and they all hated enough to share the goal of wanting nothing more than to betray the ones who had them on leashes and watch the world burn around them. Nagi, though, still had memories of decent people existing in the world. Of Sister and how she'd done all she could to keep him out of Crawford's hands while she was alive. Of Natsuki and how hard she'd struggled to get by in life even if she was as powerless as most of the world.
He worked with them, though, and never really understood how Schuldig knew what hopes sat in the corner of his mind and still let him remain part of the team. Usually, he assumed that Crawford had seen the role he'd play in their future and wanted him kept around for that. It wasn't as if Nagi was trying to betray them or anything either. Nagi worked as hard as he could to prove that despite his age and inexperience, he was as valuable a member as any of them.
But then he met Tot. And everything he'd tried to deny he believed in came right to the surface again. Tot reminded him that some people out there could be hopeful and happy even in the face of a vague terrible past and a makeshift family more awkward and strangely put together than his own. He saved her from the fire at Masafumi's mansion because it seemed like the only right choice. Between then and getting to see her again, his mind felt consumed with Tot and thoughts of what they might be capable of if only they could escape the groups they were part of that held them tied to one place and loyalty.
Daring to dream of a life beyond Schwarz and telling himself that he couldn't be like them forever felt like, and probably was, the gutsiest move he'd mad in his life up to that point. Even if Crawford slapped him for it and reminded him that he hated most of the world, he didn't hate Tot. He couldn't hate her. In the moment after Farfarello stabbed her, while she died in his arms, Nagi realized once and for all that he'd never been the same as his team. If dying was what it took to leave them, so be it.
Finding himself alive afterward had been an honest shock. Learning that she was alive too, though they wouldn't tell him where, was an even bigger one.
Nagi acted like a complete part of them long enough to ruin the Elders and despite Weiss ruining their plans, Schwarz survived intact enough to go to Germany. But he didn't feel any more like part of them while they lived there and kept working on maintaining their safety and still working towards their goals.
The combination of Farfarello leaving and the rise of Mamoru Takatori gave him just the push he needed to stop being like them once and for all. Mamoru didn't trust him until he proved himself, but Nagi still had the freedom to be himself. With him, he had the ability to keep looking for Tot.
He wouldn't stop until he found her -- found his reason to hope and believe in goodness -- once and for all. Which felt like the biggest difference between him and the rest of his old team. They'd given up long ago and Nagi never let that happen.
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