Put Your Hands Up If You Know The True Star

Sep 03, 2003 13:09

Only one and a half more days until...school. Last night I got all my notebooks/etc and put them in my bookbag, alphabetical order and colorcoated. Which I guess is a bit going overboard, but..eh. This is a new school year and I want to make a good impression. Who can argue with that? I wish I had Mrs.Andres more then Mrs.Bock, however.

I really am starting to dislike the people who make the students scheduals. I think it's a conspiracy to break friendship groups up. I mean, I'm a good kid! Shouldn't I at least be in one of my friends classes? No. Guess I can't.

I just woke up too, like a few moments ago. Hopefully I can go to bed at a decent time tonight, waking up at 12:45 probably wasn't the best thing to do. I do have to keep a schedual of 'go to sleep at early times' now that I'm going into school..again. Tests, writing until your fingers fall off, etc. As if you needed a reminder.

I. Am so. Lazy.
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