Title: Achilles’ Last Stand (Ch. 3 (3/3)) betaed version
Author: Mereneith
E-mail: Mereneith@yahoo.com
Pairing: Achilles/Paris
Warnings: bondage, slavery, male-male sex, violence, language. It will loosely follow the movie, but will be AU.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Achilles seeks out the reason for going to war, Paris.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don’t own Achilles, Paris or anyone else from Iliad/Troy verse. Homer, Wolfgang Petersen, and the guys that made Troy do.
Archive: No where, yet. But if you want to archive it, I’d be honored. Just let me know where its going.
Thanks: Thanks to Kris for betaing this for me. You did a wonderful job!
Author’s Notes: Title is a song by Led Zeppelin. Great song. If you haven’t heard it, go listen to it.
Paris did not know how long it was until Hector returned. He just lay on his bed staring at the ceiling, with only his thoughts to keep him company. The guards in the room never moved from their posts. Their eyes always remained alert, darting around the room for signs of potential danger.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Hector entered the room with a plate of food. As the Crown Prince walked over to his brother, Captain Damian moved a little ways away from the two Princes to give them some privacy.
The younger Prince sat up as his brother neared the bed, and scooted forward, until he sat on the edge. Hector silently placed the plate of food on his brother’s lap. “Eat. You haven’t had any food all day.”
Paris simply nodded and began munching on a piece of bread. Hector was silent for a few seconds than looked at Captain Damian, who was standing off to the side, a few paces away. “You all are not needed at the moment. But, wait outside the door.”
Captain Damian bowed to his Crown Prince and ushered all of the other warriors out of the room, giving the two Princes the privacy they needed. As soon as they were alone, Hector turned toward Paris, who was staring at his plate of food very intently. Placing his hand on the small of Paris’ back, he rubbed slow, lazy circles. His hand firmly caressed the tense muscles in attempt to comfort his little brother and reassure him that the strong warrior would always be there for him.
“Paris, I will not judge you. I will not think any less of you as a man and as a prince. And I will not think you are weak. You are just . . . young. That is something that is very easy to take advantage of.” Hector suddenly stilled his hand, placing the plate of food on the floor, he moved his hand onto the young man’s shoulder and pulled the boy into a firm embrace.
“You are a fine warrior and you would make a great king. You just need more experience and knowledge. All that will come with age. You are still so very young.” Hector paused, regarding Paris intently. “Paris, you are good with the bow and with time you will be better with the sword. However, sometimes, even the strongest men must rely on others. Tell me, Paris. Tell your brother who did this so I can help you defeat this menace and avenge your honor.”
Paris sighed and simply stared at his hands. He was tired of carrying the burden alone. The youth knew that Hector would eventually get the truth out of him, he always did. His older brother’s kind words broke down the last ragged barriers inside of him.
“Achilles.” Paris sobbed, dropping his head in shame.