Title: The Alphabet of Rachel Berry part 16
Author: meremortal2k5
Rating: R (Hard)
Word Count: 5000
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn
Spoilers: All aired episodes.
Authors Notes: were!peen weirdness. All mistakes are my own, especially concerning the religious/mythological content and the hour or so I spent on research.
Prologue -
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/17634.html#cutid1Part 1-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/17675.html#cutid1Part 2-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/18147.html#cutid1Part 3-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/18267.html#cutid1Part 4-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/18502.html#cutid1Part 5-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/18740.html#cutid1Part 6-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/19121.html#cutid1Part 7-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/19447.html#cutid1Part 8-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/19675.html#cutid1Part 9-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/19803.html#cutid1Part 10-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/19977.html#cutid1Part 11-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/20384.html#cutid1Part 12
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/20689.html#cutid1Part 13
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/20948.html#cutid1Part 14-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/21198.html#cutid1Part 15-
http://meremortal2k5.livejournal.com/21477.html#cutid1 She's sitting on the bed in a different bikini when I emerge from the bathroom.
"You didn't need to wait for me, Quinn," I smile as I cross the room. I lean down and give her a sweet kiss. "But it is very much appreciated."
She tugs me back when I go to stand up, kissing me again. "Don't think I haven't noticed the hickey, Rache."
Oops. "I didn't mean to do it,Quinn."
"It's fine. I know that you didn't do it on purpose." She smiles at me. "I should be able to cover it with concealer for school." She seems happy and relaxed and certainly not pissed at me for marking her. I like this easy going side of Quinn.
I return her smile and kiss her again. "Santana's waiting for us." I breathe against her lips before kissing her again. I'm a little touchy feely right now, but I blame Quinn for being my girlfriend and giving me yet another orgasm. If we keep going the way we have been, I'll be rubbed raw by Monday, but I shall grin through the wince as I walk the halls of McKinley because I have a girlfriend and we do things that are very sexual in nature. Yeah, did I mention already that Quinn’s my girlfriend?
"Let her wait." She slips her tongue against mine and I moan into her mouth.
"Quinn? Rachel?" Brittany is outside of the door now. "If you guys are still doing it, maybe you could hurry it up before San comes up here with a bucket of water to seperate you two?" I rest my forehead against Quinn's.
"We're coming, Brittany." She calls out.
"That's nice, Q," The ditzy blonde calls back. "I know its been a while for you, but we're still waiting and it's getting boring."
Quinn groans as I chuckle. She pushes me away and I pull her to her feet. She slips her hand in mine as we cross the room. I pull open the door to see Brittany staring at her bare feet as she shuffles them into the carpet.
"Let's go, Britt." Quinn arches a brow at her friend.
"Your carpet tickles my toes, Q." Brittany grins. "It feels nice. I'd bet it would be really good to have sex on."
I snap my head around until I'm looking at the blonde over my shoulder. "Why on earth would you want to have sex on the landing when you're so close to a comfy bed?"
She’s giving me this look that, even with my extensive vocabulary, I can only describe as ‘Awww, you’re so cute.’ If she wasn’t looking straight at me, I would’ve thought that she was looking at a baby duck, or kitten, or a baby duck snuggling with a kitten.
“Awww, Rache, you’re so cute.” Brittany slides right into my personal space and wraps her arms around me. “Sometimes, you just can’t wait until you’re in bed. Haven’t you ever been so horny that you just have to do something about it?”
Quinn giggle snorts, so I shoot her a glare. What do I say in response to her question? Sure, there’s been several times at school that I’ve had to jerk off in one of the girls’ bathrooms? No. Just - No.
I smile up at Brittany. “Santana’s waiting.” And then I proceed to pull Quinn along the hallway to the stairs.
“Bout time, bitches.” Santana’s grinning at us as we enter the kitchen. She’s chopping limes up and putting them into a small bowl. “I thought that I was gonna have to turn the hose on you guys.”
Quinn arches a fine brow at her friend as I splutter ungainly. “We were trying to find something suitable to wear, Santana.” I place my hands on my hips.
She holds up her knife and waves it at Quinn and I. “One - we could hear you two out in the back yard. You left the windows open, remember? Two - You’re sporting matching hickies.”
I slam my hand against my neck. I’d forgotten that the whole reason that I had been wearing a turtleneck earlier was because of the dark bruise.
“Three? You guys have been all up on each other since you got back here from spending the night at Berry’s.” Santana smirks. “The hand holding thing is a real give away, plus the fact that Q has had a major crush on you since, like, we joined Glee.”
“I was dating Finn.” Quinn scowls.
"Since when does dating Finnocense make a difference to who you're crushing on, Q?" Santana steps away from the work surface with the bowl of limes. "I did the deed with doufus, and I was in love with Britt."
I look to Brittany, wondering if she was upset with the reminder of Santana's past, but the girl is just smiling brightly at her girlfriend.
"That's different, San." Quinn grumbles. "You've been in love with B since kindergarten."
"And?" Santana smirks."How's that any different to you crushing on Berry ever since we started Mckinley?" She arches a dark brow at my girlfriend before turning to me. "And, Rachel has had lady wood for you ever since you became a Cheerio? It's so obvious."
"You two have totally been into each other for almost as long as San and I." Brittany jumps up onto a work surface and swings her legs. "But you were both in the Nile until last night’s party."
"Denial, babe." Santana quickly corrects Brittany before narrowing her eyes at me. "You okay, Rache? You're looking like you're gonna hurl."
I'm shaking and I suddenly feel icy cold despite the warm weather. I swallow thickly. "What?"
"What's wrong, Rachel?" Quinn's looking at me with worry clearly visible in her beautiful eyes. "Does it hurt again?" She takes a few steps until she's directly in front of me. "Is it like last night?"
"Please don't tell anyone." I'm still looking at Santana over Quinn's shoulder. "Please, Santana. I'll do anything."
"What the fuck, Berry?"
I'm absolutely terrified. She knows my secret - apparantly since the three of them became Cheerios. "Please, Santana." I'm begging her now, imploring her with my entire being not to tell. "They already think I'm a freak at school. Please don't tell anyone."
"Tell anyone what?" Santana is frowning at me and I don't know if she's playing me or playing innocent. Is she trying to get me to say it out loud? Has she got a recording device hidden within her ample cleavage?
"Rachel!" Quinn snaps and my eyes dart to hers. "Santana doesn't know what you're talking about." She widens her hazel eyes at me. "She doesn't know."
"Know what?" Santana huffs. "What the fuck?"
I turn my eyes back to the Latina, feeling my cheeks flush with heat at my over reacting to her 'lady wood' comment.
"Rachel thinks you're going to tell people about her penis." All of our eyes turn to Brittany as she shudders at the sour taste of a piece of lime she’s snagged. "It is a penis week, right Rache? You're wearing spanks or granny panties instead of your usual panties, so I'm thinking that it’s a Mr Peepee week."
I'm looking at Brittany wide eyed. I don't know wether to be aghast at her knowing or seriously impressed with her observational skills. Wait! How on earth does she know what underwear I wear?
"It's your V.P.L." she smiles at me as she answers the question I had yet to ask. "When you don't have one, I can tell that you're either going without undies or wearing spanks, or big knickers like on Bridget Jones."
"That doesn't mean Berry's packing though, Britt." Santana is still frowning her confusion at the conversation.
"Packing? where's she going?"
"I mean packing as in wearing a strap-on."
Oh holy hell. Why are they talking about me like I'm not dying of embarrassment over here?
Brittany smirks. "Rachel doesn't need a strap-on like we do, San, at least not this week anyway." She turns a big beaming smile at me. "Isn't that right, Rache? You have a real life penis, just like Pinnochio when his wish came true. Did you make a wish too?"
My jaw drops open.
"Wait!" Santana is staring up at her girlfriend, her brows furrow further in her confusion. "You think Berry is a chick with a dick just because of her lack of a visible panty line?" Oh, so that's what she meant by V.P.L. "It's not possible, Britt. Berry's a girl with girl bits, just like you and I."
Brittany nods her head in agreement and then shakes it as her own brow furrows. She looks at me with bright blue eyes. "Why do you have a penis, Rachel? I know you're a girl, we've shared a locker room. I've seen you naked, but -" She looks down towards my crotch and I fight the urge to cover myself with my hands. "You leave the toilet seat up sometimes."
I blink owlishly at her. That's her reasoning? Moses, this girl has to be like some crazy C.I.A. code breaker outside of school. While we all think that she's a little lacking in the intelligence department, Brittany S. Pierce is probably a secret savant. I clear my throat and open my mouth but nothing comes out. What do I say? Do I lie through my teeth like I did with Quinn and then have it back fire spectacularly in my face. Would it be so bad to have two other people on my side just in case the faecal matter hits the fan? Can I trust Santana and Brittany not to say anything to anyone else?
I flick my gaze between the two of them as I feel Quinn take my hand into hers. I open my mouth again. I've made up my mind.
"Ay dios Mio!" Santana gasps and her eyes widen. She looks from my face to the shorts I'm wearing and then back up to my face. "It's true?"
She doesn't sound at all sure, but her eyes are now trying to burn a whole through my baggy shorts. She steps forward, I step back and that's when she looks to Quinn.
"That's why you were on your knees in the janitors closet. You wanted to see it."
Quinn’s eyes widen and then she’s dragging me out of the kitchen and into the washroom I was trapped in last night. She swallows thickly.
“Quinn.” I try to breathe in deeply as tears prickle at my eyes.
She sighs softly and presses a kiss to my lips. “Brittany knows, Rache, we may as well tell Santana too.”
We. She said we, and if I wasn’t panicking right now, I think that I would’ve declared my love for her, but I’m currently seeing spots in front of my eyes resulting from the hyperventilation I’m experiencing.
“You need to calm down, baby.” Quinn coos at me as she breathes slowly. “She might be a crazy bitch, but she’ll keep your secret.” She’s trying to catch my eye as she exaggerates her slow breaths and, finally, I catch on.
It’s hard. No not that; and this is not a 'that's what she said' joke. This is serious. I’m trying to slow my breathing until it matches hers, but I’m struggling to calm the sharp pants that are making my lungs ache. I hold onto my girlfriend, crying as I continue to panic. Suddenly, there’s a rap on the door.
The confusion is still there on the Santana’s pretty face as she pulls me out of Quinn’s arms and sits me down on the edge of the toilet, but I can also see her worry. She kneels on the floor in front of me before holding a brown paper bag that smells faintly of onions; to my mouth. “Breathe, Berry.”
My breaths are shuddery as the bag inflates and then deflates.
She’s watching me carefully. “I promise that I won’t tell anyone.” I’m a little startled when she reaches out to wipe away my tears. “If you don’t want to tell me about it, or talk about it, that’s fine, but I do promise you that B and I will keep our mouths shut. No one else will know unless it comes from you.”
I can't help but cry a little harder even as my breathing becomes easier. This could just be the end of everything for me. In only twenty-four hours, three people know my secret, by tomorrow that number could quadruple and include the entire glee club. If my maths is correct, my secret could spread like that killer virus in Outbreak. After the other gleeks find out, next is the entire school, followed by Lima, the entire state of Ohio, then the other forty-nine states, eventually the world. Everyone will want to know about the girl with the were-penis. I'd be famous, but my monthly dick is not what I want to be famous for.
It hurts when Santana grabs my chin, forcing me to focus on her.
"I promise, Rachel." She glances towards Quinn who looks about as scared as I feel, before looking back to me. "You're with my girl now, so that makes you family. I protects my family to the death, Berry, and if by some chance someone like that sleeze Jacob finds out, no one will believe them because Britt-Britt, Q and I will say differently."
I take in a deep shuddery breath and swipe at my blurry eyes.
"You can trust us, Rachel." Brittany speaks from over by the door and Quinn nods. "We'll keep your secret."
I sniffle nastily until Santana hands me some tissue. "Thank you, for everything."
She smiles at me and slaps my knee. "No probs, Berry." Her smile becomes a smirk. "Now, lets go enjoy the sun and water while we get our drunk on cuz I gots to know how come you get a dick and a vag." She stands. "I don't know whether to be jealous or happy that there's no way I can pop a tent around my baby when we’re in school."
I blink, still a little stunned by everything that's happened.
"Does that happen, Berry?" Santana throws over her shoulder when she wraps her arm around Brittany's waist and guides her back to the kitchen. "Cuz I'd sure as hell would always be hiding my crotch behind a folder if i had a dick."
Quinn snorts and really, that's all the reply Santana needs as she laughs loudly.
"Nice, Berry."
I didn't think for one second that it would feel like this to have people - multiple people, know my secret. I've got my back to the side of the pool, my feet barely touching the bottom, with Quinn brushing her lips against mine in long languid kisses, and even though I'd been a little freaked out to start with, I'd quickly learnt that if I want Quinn to keep kissing me, I'd ignore the way Brittany and Santana kept watching us as we made out.
This all felt so normal and relaxed, and sexy as hell. I really should not be thinking sexy thoughts of having hot cheerleaders watch us whilst Quinn and I did naughtier things than just kissing. Who can blame me though?
I’ve never denied the fact that being in front of an audience just does something to me. I feel exhilarated and excited and thoroughly turned on during a performance, and then the entire crowed shoots to their feet with cheers and applause as a climax. Well, let’s just say that I also experience my own kind of climax, albeit nothing like that which Quinn gives me, more of a full body shudder that has every nerve ending standing to attention. So, why wouldn’t I feel like that and more, imagining that I was performing with Quinn in front of an audience? Quinn’s back bows as I fuck her deliciously. Her fingers gripping at me, or the sheets beneath us, as our performance reaches its crescendo. Turning our eyes towards our audience of two as we gather ourselves, our applause and cheers are the breathy moans and wet kisses of the two girls slipping dextrous fingers inside of each other.
“Fuck, Rachel.” Quinn breathes against my ear before she nips at my sensitive lobe.
I feel the cool water then, lapping around our bodies as Quinn tries to grind against my hip bone as subtly as possible. I turn my face to her and capture her lips with mine.
“You’re hard again.” Her words are whispers but I can still hear her desperation. She wants me.
Her fingers slip from my hair and under the water, and I squeeze my eyes shut. I know what she’s going to do, and perhaps I should stop her, but then I open my eyes to see Santana staring again, and I think that I might just come before Quinn even manages to push her fingers into my shorts and spanks.
Santana smirks. She knows what’s going on; I can see it in her darkening eyes.
“I want to see it.” Santana’s smirk widens as she speaks from across the pool, and I’m getting the impression now that she’s been waiting till just the right moment to say that.
Quinn spins around in the water until her ass presses against the bulge in my shorts. “No fucking way, Santana.” I can hear the scowl in her voice even if I can’t see her face.
“Oh, c’mon.” The Latina rolls her eyes. “I’m not gonna touch it. I just wants to see how Berry measures up to some of the guys.”
“Like I said, no fucking way.” Quinn pushes back further into me, and really, her possessive nature and the way her glorious backside is just there against my cock, really isn’t helping my erection. “Rachel’s not showing you her penis.”
“But, you’ve seen it.” Brittany frowns.
“That’s because Rachel’s my girlfriend, Britt.” She’s treading water, so I reach out to grab her hips, holding her afloat so that she can cross her arms over her chest. Did I ever tell you how sexy I find angry Quinn, especially when that anger is pointed at someone else? Yeah, I find it hot when she’s angry at me, but being able to watch her, without being in the line of fire, is something else entirely.
“She wasn’t your girlfriend last night.” Santana raises her eyebrow when Quinn splutters her ire. She then turns her dark eyes to me. “Don’t you wanna know how you measure up to the guys, Rache?” She’s smirking again because she knows that she’s playing me like a fiddle. Who wouldn’t be curious to know how their junk compares to a friend or ex per se? I’m proud of my average penis and I take very good care of it, but could Noah or Finn say the same thing? What about Artie or Kurt?
“Alright.” I narrow my eyes at the two girls across the pool. “But, this isn’t going to be about size.” I wrap my arms around Quinn’s waist and give her a reassuring squeeze before kissing her neck. “While I know that I am perfectly average in size, and probably don’t measure up to Finn or Noah in length or girth, this little show and tell is about aesthetics.”
“You want to know who has the prettiest dick?” Santana chuckles.
“Not prettiest, exactly.” I can’t help but giggle with her. I’m getting into this little competition. “Once you’ve seen it, I’d like to know, whose penis you prefer.”
“Oh,” Brittany pipes up. “Like One to Five, Who Would You Do? Santana’s my five.” She grins at her girlfriend. “And, I’m hers.”
I can see that Quinn is still scowling at Santana, so I nip at the purple bruise I left on her neck earlier. “It’s okay, Quinn.” I breathe against her skin. “Once she’s seen it, the novelty will wear off, and then she’ll forget that I’m a little different. And, at least this way, I’ll get to assuage my desire to know how I compare to others in the penis department without having to risk my secret by faking a concussion and mistaking the boys and girls locker rooms during the next football match I’m asked to play in.”
Quinn turns around in my arms as her eyes widen. “You’re not playing football again, Rachel.” She says as though she’s horrified by the suggestion. “Do you even realise how hard it was for me to watch you out there, thinking that at any second, some overgrown jock would mow you down?”
I blink at her concern for me, but she continues before I can voice my indignation at being told what I can and can’t do.
“I’ve dated jocks, Rachel.” I watch as she buries her face against my neck. “They get hurt, a lot. I want to date a Gleek now. I want to watch you sing and dance. I don’t want to watch you get hurt by jerks who weigh five times what you do.”
“Okay.” I whisper against her ear. Who am I kidding? I’ll do anything she asks, and it’s been over a year since I’ve played so the chances of being asked again are slim to none.
I can hear Santana make fake gagging noises from across the pool until Brittany splashes her and tells her that we’re cute. I’m still cuddling my girlfriend as they swim over to us.
“C’mon then, Berry, let’s see the little miracle penis.” Santana smirks as Quinn moves to my side.
I huff. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t make disparaging remarks about my size, Santana.”
“You mean that it’s not in direct proportion to your foot size?” She looks down into the water as though looking at my feet. “I heard that if you have big feet, then you’ve got a big dick. You’ve got pixie sized feet, Berry.” She laughs when I huff again.
“I heard it was all about the nose.” Brittany beams over at Quinn. “You’re a lucky girl, Q, Rachel’s nose is huge.”
“Anyway,” Santana is still laughing, and I’m so glad that I amuse her. Not really. “Hop up onto the side and we’ll give you a minute to think of Quinn in her little red Cheerio’s skirt. Wouldn’t be a fair comparison if you’re only at half-mast. “
So she was watching as Quinn and I made out, waiting until I was at least semi-erect before making the suggestion. I try to quirk my brow at her smugly, only to feel both eyebrows rise. Damn it, why am I the only one not able to raise a single eyebrow? “There’s no need.” I disguise my failure at looking smug with a smirk. I turn and lift myself out of the pool before sitting on the side, my erection clearly visible through my shorts.
Santana reaches out and slaps Quinn’s shoulder. “Damn it, Q, what were you thinking?” She grimaces. “Britt and I are in the water too. If I’d have known Berry was so close to popping her cork, I’d have made you both get out.”
Quinn’s eyebrow shoots up. “You didn’t seem so concerned about the rest of us when you gave Puck a hand job in the hot-tub a couple of years ago, or when you and Brittany had sex in the hotel pool at Nationals, or when you and Brittany faked illness at cheer camp and did it on every usable surface in our cabin, including my bed, the living room table and the table that coach used to divvy out the vitamins she was giving us all.”
Santana had the good grace to look chastised before turning her guilt into a frown. “Let’s do this, bitches. I wanna see Berry’s junk.”
I have my fingers just under the elastic of my shorts. “Firstly, Santana, I would just like to elucidate for you that I was not about to ‘pop my cork’ as you so eloquently put it. Unlike some of the boys that you’ve experienced teenaged lust with, I am able to hold an erection for quite some time. And, even though Quinn excites me to the point of a full erection quite quickly, and some times, being with her is so erotic that I find myself on the precipice of climax in an embarrassingly short amount of time, I can sustain said erection until I have fully satisfied my girlfriend even if I have achieved climax.” Even though Quinn and I have yet to have fully penetrative intercourse using my penis, I am proud to admit that I can achieve multiple orgasms. “Also, I wouldn’t have come in the pool, knowing full well that you were both in here with us. It’s quite unsanitary.”
Three pairs of eyes just stare at me until Santana shakes her head. “Way too much information, Berry. Now show us your cock.”
I sigh before peeling down the wet material of my shorts and then the tight spanks, reaching inside to release my erect penis. It only takes looking at the darkening irises of my girlfriend to make my erection bob against my stomach.
The water swishes as Santana and Brittany move closer. They’re tilting their heads in contemplation as I watch their eyes take in all of me.
“It’s not as big as Puck’s, and it’s not crooked like Finn’s.” Santana purses her lips as she stares.
“Kurt, Artie and the janitors are smaller, but Matt’s was way bigger.” Brittany licks her lips. “I’ve never seen Mike’s.”
“Me neither.” Santana hums. “I like how it’s circumcised and cleanly shaved.”
“I epilate.” I clarify. “I don’t like shaving rashes, and epilation only really hurts until you get used to it.”
Santana nods her head. “It’s a nice size.” She looks towards Brittany. “Looks comfortable.”
“Yeah,” Brittany smiles over at Quinn. “Not too big and not too small. It looks about the same size of the dildo that San and I use.”
“You don’t need to tell them that.” The Latina blushes. “It doesn’t have that lingering pissy smell either.”
I must look absolutely horrified because both Santana and Brittany are laughing at me.
“Some guys aren’t the cleanest.” Brittany chirps.
I am so glad that boys didn’t pan out for me. Quinn always smells so delicious.
“Your ball sack is kinda tight too.” Santana dips her eyes to where my testicles rest against folds of damp material. “Personally, I never liked a baggy ball sack.” Brittany nods her head in agreement. Santana takes a deep breath then and looks to Brittany. They seem to share some kind of telepathic communication because then they both look to me. “You’re a five, Berry.”
“Totally.” Brittany agrees.
Santana holds her hand up out of the water, her palm facing Quinn and, pensively, Quinn slaps it with her own. “Congrats, Fabray. You have a ‘hell yeah’ of a five, and the best of both worlds going on.”
Hazel eyes look up to me as her chin and smile duck beneath the water for a second. “I already knew that.” Quinn says as a faint blush colours her cheeks.
“You want to tuck that thing away now, Berry. I’m sick of it following me with its eye.” Santana arches her brow. “Or perhaps, you and Q would like a few minutes alone to calm the raging Berry-beast.” She snickers as she lifts herself out of the water and turns to hold out her hand to Brittany, hauling the blonde out of the water. “It’s getting chilly out here. B and I are gonna go dry off and make cocktails. We’ll see you both inside.” She laces her fingers with Brittany’s and tugs her towards Quinn’s house.
“Are we going to compare vag-jays next week, San? Rachel will have hers back by then.”
I can’t help but grin as I hear Brittany as they walk away. I’m still smiling even through the gasp when Quinn pulls me back into the nippy water.
“Definitely my five.” Quinn grins as she wraps her arms and then her long legs around me, brushing her bikini crotch against my penis.
I gasp again, feeling as she starts to rub herself against me. “And you’re definitely my five.” I press a kiss to her lips.
“What would you give Santana and Brittany?” O Oh, Quinn’s chewing on her lip, looking up at me coyly and for a second I think that this could be a trap, but only for a second because Quinn’s knows that she is my only five.
“One being ‘not even with yours’, five being ‘hell yeah’?”
She snickers softly and nods.
“They’re both extremely attractive, Quinn.” My breath hitches when the head of my dick brushes against Quinn a little more rapidly. “Earlier, I would’ve probably said four.” I swallow thickly.
Quinn’s brows furrow and I think that she’s probably thinking the worst, that maybe I’ve bumped the pretty pair up to a five.
I thrust a little harder, watching as Quinn’s eyelids flutter shut. “I’ll give them both a three.” I nip at her lips.
Quinn’s eyes snap open. “Why?” She shudders against me, her thighs flexing tightly against my waist.
“Because,” I breathe, “I think that I can start to consider them friends now, and I really don’t want to have sex with my friends, unless that friend is you.”
Quinn’s blush deepens. “But, you’re not giving them a one?”
I hold her firmly, rocking quickly. The flush of colour from her cheeks is spreading down her neck and across her chest. I know she’s close, I can tell by the way her pelvis is jerking against me. “It’s Brittany and Santana.” I pant into her ear. “No one … in their right minds … would give either of those two … a one.”
Quinn giggle snorts against my cheek before pulling at my hair and claiming my mouth with hers. It’s all quiet now, except for the slosh-slosh of water and the soft moans as we rub our bodies against each other. It doesn’t take long for my girlfriend to come and for me to quickly follow as I feel her twitch against me through the thin material of her bikini bottoms.
I’ve just jizzed on Quinn Fabray, and I cringe when I realise that other people will be using the pool at some point. But then Quinn whispers against my ear and I can’t help but chuckle.
“Don’t worry about it,” She laughs as she pushes me against the side. “Puck’s on pool cleaning duty tomorrow.”