Gather 'round and listen to my tale

May 22, 2005 11:24

Yesterday, all day
Something that hasn't happened
In at least five months

I stayed home all day
That's right, the entire day
And never changed clothes

I could have done stuff,
But I had this desire
To just loaf around

I got a doughnut
And a bowl of cereal,
Played video games

I started to get restless
But I had a goal

It was just a whim,
But now the idea grew
I had to stay home

If nothing to prove
That I could go a whole day
Being lethargic

As the day dragged on,
The boredom seemed to sink in,
Got a stomach ache

I was determined
I get weird about these things
But I had to win

1:30 AM
My goal was 7 o' clock
That was when I woke

But could I do it,
Could I endure the ennui
Suddenly, a hope

My mom got a film
A new one I hadn't seen
National Treasure

I watched it, not bad
It was really Disneyed up
But I'm critical

4 AM, three hours
Without that movie, no way
But what could I do

I couldn't stand it
The boredom was just too much
It was engulfing

3 hours, no way
I'd either have to stay bored
Or fail my mission

But then I realized,
The absolute only thing
The 'net is good for

3 hours of browsing
Too much for a normal man
Too much for me, too

But, now, all in all
The internet helped me out
Well, it owed me one

At 7 AM
I spent 24 hours up
The hell of boredom

I plopped down in bed
"I'll never do this again"
So just remember

Yes, we all complain
But being busy is good
It's better than bored


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