Nov 14, 2007 00:17
So, I was away last week at that conference. When I came back, Mr. Darcy (my fish) was a pale pinky color with green fins. He's originally a dark blue with large flowy bright blue fins. I thought he had gotten sick, and so I was treating his water with antibacterial stuff and stuff for parasites, because I had gone online to try and figure out what had happened. A random girl at the pet store (not a worker, just another customer) tried to help me figure out what was wrong with him, and when I explained the problem she was like "are you sure your fish didn't die while you were gone and your roommates switched him?" And I was like "they wouldn't have done that!!"
What really happened was this:
Brandon, a guy in my bible study (which is hosted at my apartment) had a betta fish that his old labmate had left behind when he graduated. This was the pinky-green fish. They had switched the fish while I was gone, and my roommates did a remarkable job in letting me believe that my fish was sick.
Then today, I get back home, and my fish is back to normal. I was really confused, and the thought crossed my mind that someone had switched the fish, but I didn't feel like anyone would be that devious. And my roommates did another remarkable job in letting me believe that the anti-parasite stuff had done its job in a manner of hours.
And then tonight, at Bible study, they brought out the other fish, and I felt very silly.
I'm a very very gullible person. :P
But, in my defense, if you just saw the other fish, you could actually think that it was rather sick (and it really might be), and it had just enough blue on it to make you think that it might have shed all the blue scales (I don't know if fish can actually do this, but clearly I'm no expert).
What I SHOULD have done is called up Alec, whose dad imports betta fish from Thailand. Note to self: next time, call Alec and ask.
And this all came about because ever since I got my fish, the guys in my bible study have tried to feed him chocolate and cake, and occasionally chocolate cake. So when I left for the week and Brandon had this other betta fish at his disposal, the opportunity was too good to pass up. And admittedly, I fell for it completely.