Your result for The A-Muse-ing Test...
Your muse is Melpomene!
50% Melpomene, 20% Calliope, 0% Thalia, 10% Urania, 10% Clio, 0% Erato, 0% Euterpe, 10% Polyhymnia and 0% Terpsichore!
Melpomene is the muse of tradgedy. She is also known for her singing and as the "chanting one." She is a guide for the lost or those seeking a way to something, but they just can't quite figure out what or where. She can beautifully wear a tear or a smile, for she understands life to its fullest extent.
Call upon Melpomene when you are searching and need to heal yourself.
Sit somewhere quiet where you can be alone with your thoughts. Light a candle and gather some paper or your journal. Sit comfortably and allow yourself to fully feel the pain you have inside and ask Melpomene to help you bravely face it with honesty. Write what you are feeling and what you have experienced. Express your loss in yoru own way, with your own words. Now determine to be creative and use that energy in a new way. You are ready to create something beautiful out of your sadness and loss. Paint, sculpt, write, sing, or just explore a new place. Artistic creation will help you refind joy and reexperience life in a new way.
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