Aug 29, 2005 19:23
My words come to you from ACROSS AN ENTIRE OCEAN!
(and that's really quite exciting.)
Currently I'm sitting in a perfect Chinaplace, if you know what that means, it's a dim and smoky internet cafe with lots and lots of Chinaboys playing World of Warcraft, with great intensity.
World of Warcraft characters are on the Coke cans, incidentally.
As this is my first Chinapost, I feel like I should provide some Facts,which are always difficult to find on LIve Journal. We got here, obviously - the plane ride was hell, of course, I got sick sicksick, of course, and spent the first few days in an allergy-infested bog - nevermind the bog thatis Beijing's polluted atmosphere - then I met my host family. - I'm living in a hutong. A HUTONG!, children, and if you don't know what that is you ought to googlepictures it, or something. Anyway, I have a hutong and a Tiananmen Square, and an enormous drum tower that looms in the middle of the road at the beginning of my FORTY-FIVE MINUTE BIKE RIDETO SCHOOL! (someof you, namely Karli, do not believe me. But I tell you that I am handling it quite well.) And I have a mama,and a baba, and a tall and pudgy sister and her tiny bouncy neighbor, who are here with me, and the neighbor's mother, who yesterday taught me the names to all the vegetables, and a bunch of exotic vegetables that shouldn't be allowed, and hours and hours of Chinapop on TV, and well a toilet you pour water down to flush yet a new DVD player, and a hutong and a hutong! and a shiny shiny watch and a keyboard with a spacebar that doesn't really work.
In other news, LARS THE THUNDERBIKE was born yesterday,to much applause - he is the sheeniestsheeniest bubblegum pink, with a tulip and the word "forever" paintedon the side. He is Scandanavian. And oh so awkward.
And well Beijing is just amazing. I could go on for hours and hours but I don'tknow if you wantto hear it, and I don't know if this keyboard could actually take it. Beijing is acity without a sun, Beijing is a city with clouds of smog, with pirateDVDs on the overpasses,with a beggar withnolegs and little naked children and phone wires strung crazy above the slant roofsof hutongs, and I know you're all getting sick of hearing this but I love it Iloveit and Ijust keep thinking, when I'm dodging traffic in the mornings, This is my city, and it doesn't seem real but I likeit anyway.
Also, where are you guys??? I know all about Hamilton but I don'tknow a damn thing about Tulsa or Norman. What about this vow that we'd all KIT by Live Journal? Eh?
Well, my kuai's run out. And it's OVER!