from aimless to aiming

Jul 20, 2006 08:26

what quietness the last month and a half of my life has held. times of rest. stillness. nothingness. (or so it has felt) i was struggling with feeling aimless. i had just finished some of the greatest years of my life in the Philippines... and also some of the hardest moments were in those years as well... and then nothing. just stillness. i knew that this is probably what i needed most... yet i still was struggling to find my "purpose".

not to say i have figured it all out now... but i feel i have an AIM! i have an interview this friday for a youth ministry job... one that i have not actively pursued, but i feel God has lead me straight to! i am hesitant to get too excited... and rush ahead of God... but it is all too easy when i finally feel i have a hope for a future. (which i know i have had one all along... it was just covered by an aimless desire and lies from the enemy).

so... i'm going to stop treading water and start swimming, praying that the Lord will give me the strength to get to where He has me going. it feels nice to be aiming again!
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