Super Late Friday Five

Mar 21, 2008 21:31

1.  I spent yesterday morning at the doctor.  Daughter one now officially has asthma.  Yeah, so I said months ago.  200 dollars on doctor and meds.  She had to have double because the school won't let her carry her inhalers with her.  They have to be left at the nurses station.  I try not to gripe about the school but sorry, I think this rule stinks for a kid my daughter's age.  And the first time she comes home telling me someone wouldn't let her take her inhaler, I'm going to be ticked. This has happened to another girl at the school.  The on duty teacher wouldn't let her go saying she didn't need it.  Because asthma treatments are ninety percent about preventive measures, this is crappy.

2.  We spent the rest of the day shopping.  I came home exhausted.  I normally spend my day writing about people running around, not actually doing it.

3.  I then took my second daughter to ball practice.

4.  Today I don't really remember, but I know it involved more softball, stores, and some time or another we dyed eggs, my nephew may or may not have broken his arm and I spent some time at the emergency room.  I think my brother and his wife are still up there.

5.  I am not in the mood to even think about writing right now.  Too tired.

when in doubt just babble

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