Jan 06, 2008 13:40
So, I'm starting the Twilight series by Stephanie Myer. I've read the first few pages and already I'm charmed. lol I also love the length! YAY, I can't wait to dig deeper into this book!
Then! I finally got Joanna Bourne's The Spymaster's Lady in today! Though I don't visit at Compuserve anymore because I can't seem to write and be everywhere on the internet at once, I've been waiting impatiently for this book to get here! I think Joanna is the greatest person. I have learned so much from her over the course of my writing career and opening up that box from Amazon and seeing her book cover sprung tears to my eyes! (And she'd be pleased to know I didn't say seeing it made tears spring to my eyes! LOL. This book is next on my list and will be read soon! Jo, as I'm used to calling her, taught me the one thing that made me as a writer. How to view the world from my character's eyes and not from my own. She probably has no idea what she did for me on that one small exercise she worked for me. Though she did later teach me to dig even deeper and I cracked that mold my character had been trapped inside.)
After that, I have.... Lessons From a Dead Girl to read by Jo Knowles. I'm just getting to know Jo, but I love her dearly already! Plus, she actually takes the time to muddle through a few of my posts over here and leaves me comments too!
About Lessons though: He-he The blurb is awesome and I can't wait to dig in!
Yes, I really used all those exclamation points. :-)
the books i read