Let's Celebrate Life

Feb 03, 2011 09:02

You get one chance so make it count.  14 years ago I was a 19 year old girl--scared, in pain, and drowning in the fluid that was rapidly filling my lungs. I was in acute heart failure. 14 years ago they said I wouldn't make it. They said if I did survive I'd be on meds for the rest of my life, unless I was lucky enough to get a heart transplant.

They were wrong. They were wrong. They were wrong.

No one's crying over the wrongness of their predictions. Or, I mean, not many are crying over it. ;-) Today, because of awareness and research, a woman diagnosed with PPCM has a way better prognosis.

But 14 years ago I didn't have a voice. Today I do.  Every woman should know the signs of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy.  Why? Because every woman is at risk and your baby doctor just might not be paying attention. After all, it was my newborn's pediatrician that diagnosed me and saved my life. Why didn't my baby doctor know what was going on? Pish. Well, she wasn't my choice since I was using a midwife, but when the signs were there I was sent to one. She said I was an overreacting baby.

Know the signs. You're the best person to know what's going on with your body. Even if you've already had your baby you are still at risk.

Symptoms include:

Read more at http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/p/peripartum_cardiomyopathy/symptoms.htm?ktrack=kcplink

This month is national women's heart health awareness and this Friday is the "official" day to wear red. Do it for your mom. Do it for your sister. Your friend. Do it for me. Do it for yourself.

peripartum cardiomyopathy

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