Promise by
Kristie Cook My rating:
5 of 5 stars Kristie Cook has created an intoxicating world with a cast of characters that are deliciously addicting. Originally, I expected to walk into a world of spiritual warfare. I was wrong and I was right in this assessment. It is a war. A war of love. Where other paranormals glide past the reasons love exist, Ms. Cook handed it to me on a silver platter. And I devoured it. And I wanted more. Rich in characterization, this story follows the not so normal Alexis Ames. Like nomads, she and her mother have spent Alexis’s life wandering from town to town. For Alexis, being different means that people talk and it’s hard to keep her excuses and lies believable when she doesn’t even understand what she is or why she’s different in the first place. In a seaside town in Florida, Tristan Knight enters her life and everything changes. While her secrets become harder to keep, their budding love becomes an uphill battle. Of course, Alexis has no idea that what she’s trying so hard to keep from Tristan is the very thing he needs the most from her. As the blurb on the back cover says, “They’re a match made in Heaven and Hell.”
Watching these two fight for love was an absolute joy for me. The descriptions are breathtaking, the characters so addicting. And the love story? Well, it’s priceless. I highly recommend this book!