
Jul 22, 2009 22:12

Welcome to meredith_lexie!

We are thrilled to have you here, as it means that someone other than us, your faithful mods, recognizes how completely awesome this 'ship is! mammothluv and I created this community because we both love Meredith/Lexie with a fiery passion, and we thought that there just might be other LJers out there who feel the same way we do. How can a 'ship so wonderful, we asked ourselves, possibly not have its own LJ community? And thus, meredith_lexie was born! :D

I'm going to guess that if you're here this isn't your first experience with an LJ community, so you probably already know the rules: play nice, use LJ cuts liberally, warn for spoilers, and stay on topic! (See the community profile for more info.) If you ever have any questions, comments, or need clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us either by commenting on this post or PM/emailing one of us for more privacy. We are both very dedicated to this community and want everyone to have the very best experience possible!

While we are primarily a femslash-based community, we also support and encourage content featuring Meredith and Lexie's platonic relationship. Personally, I love seeing those Grey sisters interact in a platonic way just as much as a sexy one, so please recognize that we want your genfic just as much as your dirty stuff! Which, in case it wasn't clear, WE WANT. ;)

You may notice that we have already started a masterlist, which serves as a reference for all the Meredith/Lexie stuff on LiveJournal that we know of. If you're aware of anything that's missing, be it your own work or somebody else's, please let us know! Finally, we do have a tagging system which we will use to keep track of every post that gets made to the community. Feel free to use the appropriate community tags when you post, otherwise one of us will be happy to add them for you.

We can't wait to see what you all come up with, and will hopefully be making some posts of our own! :) I shall leave you with the following for inspiration:

"I forgive you for treating me like crap and I forgive you for letting your friend treat me like crap. I don't know how you get up in the morning. I honestly don't. Our dad abandoned you, and your mom, by all accounts, was the meanest person ever and you can't let Derek love you and it all really, really sucks! But ever since I knew you existed, I had this fantasy about my big sister. And you have failed, on every occasion, to live up to that fantasy. But I still love you. Whether you are capable of loving me or not. So, I forgive you." (Lexie, 4x15)

welcome post

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