Made of Steel (1/1)

Jan 09, 2010 18:59

Title: Made of Steel (1/1)
Characters/Pairings: Meredith, Lexie
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,822
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Summary: "I'm fine. But I need your help. Are you listening?"; When Lexie's phone rings at two o'clock in the morning, Meredith makes some requests of her, and she is finally given a chance at requital. Set between "Holidaze" and "Blink."
Notes: This is what's been sucking the life out of me for about a month and a half now. Opening lyrics from "Made of Steel" by Our Lady Peace.

( you wanted a hero tonight )

fanfic: gen

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