Support Stacie Author Auction

Aug 29, 2009 14:48

Hi, all! The Support Stacie Author Auction is coming up. For those that don't know Stacie is an uninsured cancer patient and her friends started Support Stacie to help raise money for her treatments. You can find more information here. Authors offer themselves up for auction and then write a story for the winning bidder. All of the proceeds from the auction go to support Stacie's medical treatments.

Authors can sign up for the auction until September 4th and bidding will happen September 11 - 14th. I'd love for some of the authors here at meredith_lexie sign up. I'm participating as an author but I want to have some people to bid on too! Here's more info on signing up for the auction and how things will work.

If you're a reader and not an author, please think about bidding when the time comes around. It's a great cause and I've always been happy with the stories I've won in previous auctions. Some wonderful authors participate!
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