Day 7 - I hate being sick ramblings

Sep 16, 2013 01:34

I had so many plans for today after work. But I woke up with my eye glued shut. When I managed to get it open, it was goopy and rather red. Yay, pinkeye? (Image if anyone else is kinda grossed out, but kinda fascinated by these things as I am. But, yes, gross-looking eye at that link. You have been warned.) I did make it to work (last time I had pinkeye, they said it was fine for me to work, as long as I didn't touch my eye and/or washed my hands frequently. I don't know if my primary job wants me to work tomorrow with it. I have a message in with my supervisor. My supervisor last time didn't want me to work, but this one might.

Last time I had pinkeye, the doctor at the clinic had me wash it out with baby shampoo (as it is antibacterial but tear-free/supposedly painless) instead of antibiotic drops (presumably because those cost money, and this being the free clinic, they like to work around that if they can?), so I tried that this time. However, that image is after I have done so twice today. (Granted, it was also after I woke up from a nap, so theoretically, the nap, like nighttime sleep, could have made it worse?)

Anyway, this means I am wearing my glasses from 1997 (I had ones from 2005, but the earpiece broke off and I hate spending $300 on new glasses when I only wear them when I can't wear lenses) that are just enough off from my actual prescription that they give me headaches. (On top of the headaches/dizziness/etc. of my current virus THAT WON'T GO AWAY EVEN AFTER OVER A WEEK *sob*.) Plus, it means that my eye is filled with goop, so it won't focus. Obviously, both together makes being on the internet difficult.

So, you get this instead of a real entry. Because I really don't need to think or focus to whine about it. (I wouldn't have bothered to make an entry at all, except no way am I breaking my streak on Day 7 of the challenge!) Sorry for whining two days in a row. I'm going to try to respond to comments in my LJ as I hate being behind, but I might not make it. And I probably won't make it to replying to other people's entries.

Sigh... I hate being sick.

whining, real life, the universe posting challenge

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