I dropped a lot of shows last year (Once Upon a Time, Castle, Bones, NCIS, Grimm, Suburgatory, etc.) so I was really hoping there was going to be a lot of new television shows I'd want to watch this season, but, nope! It doesn't seem like there will be. Thus, my television viewing is going to be a bit sparse this year, I think.
What I'm watching this coming season, at least for now )
Why did you drop Grimm? (Non-spoilery, please, I stopped at like 1.10 or something - the rats episode because SHUDDER but I keep thinking I want to catch up at some point. It's only been over a year. lol)
I dropped OUAT, too. Possibly Suburgatory as well (and I just mentioned that to you at my new shows entry lol) And Castle and NCIS a long time ago. Never gonna be able to drop Bones and am kind of hoping it ends soon because it's just not that good anymore. But with notice so they can end properly and not thinking it's a season ending.
...THEY STILL HAVEN'T CAUGHT RED JOHN??? I stopped in.. season 2? Maybe early season 3, I don't really remember. After Rigby and Van Pelt broke up and Jane started being more dickish than amusing I stopped enjoying it and I fell behind and dropped it.
I wasn't going to watch Sleepy Hollow but the trailer made it look better than I expected. So I'll be giving it a try.
I'm not reading impressions because I don't want to be influenced now, I'll be reading my flist's and critics' opinion on things that don't look interesting to me after 2-3 eps have aired to see if I'm missing out on something.
Arrow is fun and yes, Lauren is UGH but Felicity and Diggle totally make up for it.
Oh, Nashville. IT COULD BE SO GOOD. It has potential for perfect soapy goodness without going too far. And some characters that could be amazing. But it needs to drop like 5 storylines for that to happen because there's so many useless/boring stuff.
Elementary is for me hands down best show of last season. I just hope they keep it up. :D
I'm hoping Haven will resolve things well. It feels like this is a make it or break it point after that finale. (I know it aired already, I'm just not seeing it till tonight after work.)
I still have 20+ (not counting summer shows) but I'm so indifferent about so many of them it's sad.
...oooops, this comment got long. I HAVE A LOT OF TV THINGS TO SAY, OK. :P
I can't tell you why I dropped Grimm without being spoilery. Basically, they set up a storyline I kinda liked at the end of the first season. Then they completely undid it and went with a storyline I really disliked to start the second season. I kept thinking I'd continue to watch to see if it got resolved to my liking, but the episodes kept building up on my DVR and eventually they got deleted for lack of space.
I almost dropped Bones in the fourth season, but I kept watching in the fifth and it got better. Now the basic show just isn't as good to me (which I probably would have kept watching through anyway), but then they added the whole Pelant storyline and I couldn't take it anymore.
I tend to read people's/critic's reactions to try to find things that I might not have already had on my list to watch. Sometimes it makes me less excited for things that were on my list. I usually end up at least trying them anyway, but...
Nashville really does have such potential. Which is why I watched it all of last season, instead of dropping it. And I really am hoping that maybe they can figure things out and make it work now that they have had a season to play around with the characters and the storylines.
Me too! On both points. :)
If you saw it when you said you were going to, then you are one up on me. It has been on my DVR since Friday, but I haven't been able to get to it yet. (And I think it is mocking me from the DVR. :P ) I also think that it had the potential to be make it or break it. I really hope they pulled it off. I've not wanted to read anything about it, because I don't want to be spoiled, but so far I know of one person who liked it and one who did not.
I wasn't counting summer shows in my tally either. And, yeah, even some of the ones I'm keeping I am not as passionate about as I was. I think that is why it seems like I'm watching even fewer shows than I am. I don't like it. :(
I'm always for long comments. And TV talk. :D
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