Sorry I've been absent. In addition to RL work stuff (which I won't get into detail about, but I've almost quit my job several times), I also wrenched my back (such that sitting for longer than 5 minutes makes me want to chop off my leg). I know I say it all the time, but I really do intend on catching up! I've since stopped my second (and third)
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Can I request Penny gifs?
There aren't a whole lot around...
... ... I should go to bed now *lol* :D
Sure. Anything in particular? Or should I just play around with my DVDs.
And yes you should! You need to be well rested for mafia tomorrow! (Assuming you're not targeted for death first again. *crosses fingers*) :D
I have two gifs, I'll show them to you *lol*
So you can leave those two out ;)
Anything else is fair game :)
I don't have anything in particular in mind.
Yeah, lets wait and see.
You are not so helpful with the narrowing down, but I'll see what I can do! :D
Did they tell you what caused it?
some nerve or ... something? *lol* :D
Sorry, but I'm not picky, and she's not in THAT many episodes :D
maybe the scene in S5, when Desmond is talking to little Charlie on the boat and Penny shows up?
I'm not sure how "gif-able" that is though. (... and there are two men in it, so I'm not sure it counts *lol* )
True. And even in the episodes she's in, its an ensemble, so it's not like she's in a ton. I'll search my DVDs for you. :)
If it's easier for you, I can give you a list of her episodes *lol* :D
IMDB is my friend, but thanks.
Okay, that sounds good to me, too :D
(yes, I'm ... still awake, it was a bad decision to read more of the Princess Bride... especially since I was only chapter and a half away from ending it XD )
And what on earth were you doing awake! :O I even went to bed by 6am.
I wasn't able to fall asleep, so I started reading... and didn't stop until the book was finished XD XD XD
btw. I'm working on our mega pm, there's a lot of outdated stuff in it *lol*
But I'm going to answer it anyway ^___^
I have totally done that before! :D
Yay! I should totally do the "little" (HAH!) PM. I love exchanging the PMs with you.
I really shouldn't do it though, one day I'll stay up till 1pm, I see it coming XD
I think (not sure) that you should have more than one, but something might have gotten lost or it's in another one, I lost count her *LOL* XD
I could totally see that happening! :D
Oh, the "little" one is really a three part one, isn't it? I will look and see if there is another one, in addition to that, though.
Sadly, me too!! XD
... oh, right ...
then there should be 4 I guess, the "little" one, + the "drama" one *lol* :D
I'm not sure how many more there are XD
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