(no subject)

May 25, 2009 13:06

I am at my mother's house, and one of her cats just brought in a chipmunk. And it WASN'T dead! So, now there is a chipmunk running around the house with two cats chasing it as I try to put a garbage can over it to rescue it. (It seems to be more afraid of me than the cats. Stupid chipmunk.) I've lost it for now, which is why I'm taking a break to post. Oh, I hear squeaking. Apparently a cat has found it and I have to go attempt another rescue. *sigh*

ETA: Courtesy of a wastepaper basket and a cookie sheet, the chipmunk has been relocated back outside and immediately ran up a tree. Except for my (and I'm sure the chipmunk's) frayed nerves, everything is pretty much fine now. :)

Back to boring cataloging now that the excitement for the day is over.


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