Straight recap of the WaT episode "Off the Tracks"

May 06, 2005 17:35

Okay, I promised someone over on FanForum a recap of this episode. I didn't add in any asides or personal comments like I do with the NCIS eps; it's just a straight recap. The only reason that I am posting it here is because I don't want a god awful long post in the forums.

It starts with flashbacks of Legacy (episode 2.18). It reintroduces Sylvia and Nicky (his brother’s fiancée and son), shows the conversation between Rafael and Danny about their abusive father, and shows Danny testifying on behalf of his brother at his parole hearing.

Then it goes to Rafael roughhousing with Nicky. Sylvia is quite pregnant. They have a nice little domestic scene until the phone rings. Rafael picks it up and asks, “Now? It’s gotta to be now? But you said… Yeah, I’ll take care of it.” He tells Sylvia that it was a customer and he has to go back into the shop to finish up work. He leaves the apartment and fades out in the hallway.

The scene switches to the FBI offices, and Jack exits the elevator. He sees Danny sitting alone, working on something and muttering to himself. Danny is quite wired on coffee; he’s been in for awhile. He is studying for the NY bar exam. It seems that he graduated law school, but failed the bar when he took it initially. Jack calls him “A.D.A. (Assistant District Attorney) Danny Taylor” and Danny counters with, “Or Taylor & Associates.” Jack is going to quiz him on Constitutional Law when Danny’s phone rings. It is Sylvia saying that Rafael hasn’t come home in a couple of days. Jack says that it is fine if Danny wants to go check it out.

After the commercial break, “36 hours missing” is displayed. Danny enters Rafael and Sylvia’s apartment. Sylvia wonders where Danny was yesterday because she called twice; he says that he was busy. She tells him that Rafael was supposed to go to her brother’s shop, but her brother had no knowledge of his whereabouts. Rafael is off drugs according to Sylvia. Flashback to three months ago with Rafael looking at a family picture. Sylvia asks him what is wrong. He says, “I spent 18 years locked up or high. I’m not used to feeling things. It’s going to take time, that’s all.” Sylvia says that Rafael had gotten a $10,000 loan from the Small Business Administration (SBA).

Danny then goes to talk to Sylvia’s brother at his garage. It turns out that Rafael was allowed to use the garage at night to work off the books, but the brother doesn’t know any of the specifics. Danny asks him if he knew about Rafael’s drug problem, and the brother says that he knew that Rafael kicked it and seemed to be doing well. The brother knows nothing about the loan, although he saw the money. Danny asks the brother if he knew of any shady characters that Rafael might be hanging out with. The brother mentions a Luis Vega who used to work at the garage but was fired for stealing. Vega kept coming by to see Rafael. Flashback to one of those times. The brother told Rafael to stay away from Vega, and not to blow it because he had a good thing going. The brother hasn’t seen Luis again after that. The brother also mentions that he saw Rafael a lot at the payphone the guys use to make personal calls the day before he disappeared.

39 hours missing, back at the FBI offices. Danny is looking at a file. Martin and Jack are sitting at a table. Jack asks him if there has been any news about his brother. He says, “Not yet.” Then a random agent comes up to him and tells him that he traced the call that his brother got right before he went missing and it came from a cloned phone. Martin and Jack offer to help him. Danny replies, “Well, I got a mountain of payphone records, I got an SBA loan officer on his way in for an interview, and meet the lowlife my brother’s been hanging with. [He holds up a mug shot of Luis Vega] He’s got two felony convictions for Grand Theft Auto.” Jack says, “I’ll take the mountain.” Martin says, “I’ll take the lowlife.” Danny then looks up his brother on the computer and stares at Rafael’s mug shot.

Samantha walks by the break room and sees Martin getting coffee. He asks how she is and she replies, “Fine. See you in there.”

Lisa (the shrink) comes to Jack’s office to ask how he’s doing. He says that the medication is working, but he’s still tired. She offers to talk to him professionally, but he declines.

Danny and Martin meet with Mr. Asher, the loan officer. He remembers Rafael. Rafael wanted $10,000 to buy a car repair business. He was denied the loan. This, of course, is a surprise to Danny. The loan had been approved all the way up the ladder until the background check. Flashback to Mr. Asher telling Rafael that the loan had been denied. “It’s not about numbers, it is about your record….Some hard-assed manager killed it. I fought, but I lost.” Mr. Asher gave Rafael a copy of his application and rejection notice. That was the last time Mr. Asher saw him. Danny then gets a call. “125 Broxton.” That’s the address of the parking garage where Vega’s car was found.

Danny and Martin drive to the location of the car. It’s cold; it’s been there awhile. Martin says that $2000 has been invested in the wheels alone, so the driver is coming back for it. Danny says something in Spanish. Martin replies, “Comprende the monkey part.” Danny says “You can dress a monkey up in silk, but he is still a monkey.” Rafael used to take Danny on fishing trips in a cool car. It turns out that the trips were actually to pick up “special packages.” Danny breaks into the car. (Martin, “Exigent circumstances work for me.”) Danny pulls of the interior of the driver’s door and finds a lot of drugs hiding inside.

43 hours missing, back at the apartment. Danny tells Sylvia about the drugs. Sylvia knows nothing about it or Luis Vega. Danny tells Sylvia that Rafael’s loan was denied and asks her if there was anyone else that he could have borrowed the money from. Sylvia replies in the negative. She then asks, “Why would he lie to me?” Danny replies, “Because he lies. That’s what he does; I’m sorry.” Danny gets a phone call. Sylvia leaves and tells him to lock up when he is done. Martin is on the line and says that Rafael’s prints were on the drugs. He says that their best bet is probably to put the car back together and wait for Vega to come back. Danny has a flashback of him and his brother at the table. They are goofing around. His father tells them to keep it down, but Danny goes back to bothering his brother. He knocks over his milk, and his father gets upset. Rafael covers for Danny saying that he was the one who knocked over the milk. His father starts hitting Rafael. Danny is sent to his room. There is a shot of young Danny standing against the inside of the door with his hands over his ears while the sounds of his father yelling at and hitting his brother continue. Present-day Danny looks upset by the memory.

Back at the offices, Danny strides in. Jack tells Danny that the DEA has nothing on Vega or Rafael, but there have been about 20 phone calls from the body shop to Vega in the past week. Danny says, “It’s pretty obvious what they were talking about.” Danny goes to leave, but Jack stops him. Jack tells him, “If we pursue this, then we’re going to go all the way. And if it’s warranted, then we’re going to make an arrest.” Danny replies, “It’s warranted. My brother’s prints are all over the drugs.” Jack says that his inclination is to pull Danny off of the case, but Danny says he’s fine and leaves.

Samantha goes to talk to Mr. Peterson to ask him questions about Rafael trying to buy his business. Samantha says that they want to make sure that he was legitimately interested. Mr. Peterson says that he was and had a lot of plans. There is a flashback from two weeks earlier of Rafael telling a guy in a suit (Carey) all about his plans while showing him around. Rafael tells Mr. Peterson that he had the deposit money, but it turns out that Mr. Peterson found another buyer because Rafael was late with the deposit, and he already signed the papers with the other buyer. Rafael is quite upset. In the present, Mr. Peterson says he feels bad, especially because the new buyers are planning on knocking the shop down. Samantha asks Mr. Peterson if he knows where Rafael got the money for the deposit from. He says that Rafael probably got it from the buddy in the suit.

45 hours missing. Samantha goes to Danny’s desk and asks Danny has found any information about Carey. Sylvia has never heard about him. Martin comes up with a file. Turns out three calls were placed from the shop to a guy named Carey Chase. He has a sheet: two drug busts, possession with intent to sell… He works for a brokerage firm down on Wall Street and a security guy saw Rafael talking to him at 11:30 last night.

Cut to the building. Danny and Martin go into Carey’s office. They ask him what he knows about Rafael. He met Rafael in rehab. He was paged by Rafael the night before so that they could talk. It turns out Rafael was in trouble. “He was so tweaked, I thought his head was going to explode.” Cut to flashback of a very disturbed Rafael pacing and fidgeting. He says that they are going to kill him and that he screwed up. He borrowed money from some guys and couldn’t pay it all back, so he had to do them a favor. He packed some crystal [crystal methamphetamine] into a car, but then his partner ripped him off. The guy took the car and the crystal. Rafael tried to find him but it went badly. Cut to a flashback within the flashback, this time from Rafael’s perspective. He is threatening a family, asking where Luis is. He grabs away the child and holds a gun to his head. Then he sees himself in a mirror and flips out. He shoves the boy back at his parents, yells and leaves. Back to the present. Danny asks Carey if he has any idea how long Rafael has been using again. Carey said that Rafael started after he got turned down for the garage deal. He said that Rafael grew very depressed and had cash to burn. Rafael ended up smoking through most of the money he had gotten, “And between that and the vig…he just got in a hole.” Danny asks where Rafael got the money, and Martin asks where Rafael got his drugs. Kerry doesn’t know the answer to either but says that Rafael was “definitely a man in need of a fix.”

It opens after the commercial to a shot of Danny walking up to Vivian’s house. Cut to inside and Vivian giving Danny some coffee. Danny looks so worn out. He says that he has only seen Rafael twice since he got out, and “I guess, I don’t guess, I know, I’ve been avoiding him.” Vivian tells him that Rafael made his choices. Danny then says, “All day long today, I’ve been thinking about this tavern that I used to go to. It opened at six. I used to be really close to the bartender, so I called my sponsor and he wasn’t around. So that’s why I called you.” It turns out that Danny didn’t fail the bar exam; he never took it. He was supposed to drive out to Nassau Community College, but he crammed and “before I knew it, I was way late.” Cut to a flashback of Danny getting into a car and dumping a bunch of books on the seat. He is really frustrated. He takes a drink and then pulls out into the street, right into a taxi. His alcohol bottle breaks all over the books. Danny says that the cops found the booze and made him take a breathalyzer. “One minute I was trying to become a lawyer, and the next minute I needed one...My lawyer was good. She knocked it down to a misdemeanor...There’s a part of me that just wants to cut Rafi off and walk away from him because the closer that I get to him the more I realize that I am just one wrong step away from being where I used to be.” Vivian asks what he is going to do.

The scene shifts to Martin, drinking coffee and staking out the drug car. Luis walks up to it. Martin gets out of the car, pulls his gun, and announces that he is FBI. Another agent handcuffs Luis. The scene then shifts to interrogation, where Martin asks, “Eight kilos of farm fresh crystal meth, what was that? To fund your retirement?” Luis says that it wasn’t his and that he doesn’t know anything about Rafael or any of this. Martin tells him, “Okay. Then I guess we’ll just have to let you go. But just remember one thing. When we put the word out on the street that you’re the one who stole the drugs...” Danny finishes, “You’re dead. Now where’s Rafi? Where the hell is Rafi.” Luis says that Rafael called him and said that he needed a favor; he needed to borrow Luis’s car. Luis says that Rafael told him he knew how to play it. Flashback to Rafael stuffing the drugs into the space in the car door with Luis watching. Rafael gives Luis the bag to get rid of it. Rafael says that he has no idea where the drugs came from or where they were going to. Luis then hits him over the head and drives away in the car. Danny says, “You screwed over my brother” and then launches himself across the table at Luis. Martin pulls him off. Luis threatens to sue. Danny’s phone rings. It’s Sylvia; she’s distraught. Rafael called her, sounding really bad. He said that he was going to kill himself before hanging up. Danny tells her that he is going to take care of it.

49 hours missing. Danny and Martin are at the computer. The cell phone that Rafael used to make the call is registered to Carey Chase. The find the billing address. They ping the cell to try to locate where it was when the call was made, but leave before they get any results. Jack’s cell rings. It’s Vivian, calling to check up on Rafael’s case. Jack says, “Jeez, nothing gets by you, even in your bathrobe.” Vivian says that Danny stopped by her house earlier and he seemed a little on edge. Jack says that he’ll keep an eye on him.

Danny and Martin enter Carey’s office and find him on the ground. He has a tourniquet around his arm and a puncture wound on the inside of his elbow (like he was using drugs). He is dead. Martin’s phone rings. They found out that Rafael wasn’t in Carey’s office when the call was made; the call was routed off of a tower in Queens. Martin asks if Rafael might have been heading home. Danny says, “No” and takes off. Cut to Danny pulling up to the garage that Rafael had been supposed to buy. Martin says that he will wait in the car. There is another car already there. Danny enters and turns on the light. Rafael is sitting on the concrete floor with his back against a car, and he has a belt around his arm. It’s obvious that he just shot up. Rafael tells Danny to get out of there and leave him alone. Danny asks, “Why? So you can keep injecting your veins with that stuff? When are you going to stop? When your heart does? [He sits next to Rafael] Is this the same stuff that Chase took?” Rafael says that it doesn’t matter. The next conversation is touching, so I’ll transcribe it...
Rafael: This place should be mine, Danny
Danny: I know. The Beamers, the Porsches...
Rafael: No, man, no. You don’t know. I had the right plan!
Danny: Well, the plan didn’t work out, but that’s not a good enough reason to inject yourself with poison, Rafi.
Rafael: Danny, do you think I don’t know there’s something wrong with me? You don’t think I wanted to stay straight?
Danny: Why didn’t you come to me? I would have helped you.
Rafael: You don’t want nothing to do with me. I get why, so just get out of here and leave me alone. Let me deal with this.
Danny: Don’t make me lie to him, Rafi.
Rafael: Who?
Danny: Nicky. Ten years from now when he asks me, “How did Papi really die?”
Rafael: You remember my old Continental?
Danny: With the opera windows in the back.
Rafael: I taught you how to drive in that car. [He starts to cry] God, Danny. I don’t know what to do. [Danny puts a hand out and touches the back of Rafael’s head] What are we going to do now?
Danny: All right, all right.
Rafael: Danny, what are we going to do now? [He puts his head in Danny’s arms and sobs]

Danny is walking down the hallway outside of Sylvia’s and Rafael’s apartment. Flashback to Rafael and Danny as kids. Rafael is roughhousing with Danny the same way he was doing with Nicky at the beginning of the episode. Danny is laughing. Back in the present, Danny straightens himself up and knocks on the door of the apartment. He tells Sylvia that NYPD is processing Rafael and she can probably see him in about an hour. She starts listing the things they need to do like get a lawyer, get her sister to watch Nicky... She breaks down, and Danny hugs her. He says, “We’re gonna get through this together.” Danny lifts his head up and sees an image of himself and Rafael as kids, with Rafael putting his arm around him.

Back at the FBI, Jack walks into Lisa’s office. He asks her if she wants to get a drink. She tosses him a bottle of water, and he says, “That’s not exactly what I had in mind.” She says that if he wants to talk, she’s all ears. He says that he doesn’t need a therapist. She replies, “As friends, then.” Jack says, “Nobody around here tells me anything.” She suggests that it is because he is the boss, but he doesn’t think that is the reason. She asks if he confides in them and he says that he can’t because he is the boss. She asks if he is sure he is the reason, and he dodges the question. He goes to leave, and she says that he doesn’t have to leave if he doesn’t want. He comes back in, saying that he’ll just finish his drink, and he sits down in the chair at one side of the desk. After she sits behind the desk, the screen goes dark.

recaps, without a trace

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