I was going to bitch about how I'm sick and miserable right now, but I realized that the flu (or a "flu-like virus" because it's not allowed to be the flu according to doctors until the flu season starts. How does that work?) is nothing compared to some of the medical problems of my flist. *hugs flist* So instead, I'm just going to ask that if I again somehow get it in my brain (in my defense, my brain is currently fuzzy) that when giving the cat a bath, I need to strip to my underwear because I don't want my clothes to get wet, will someone please remind me that:
a) Cats hate water.
b) Cats have claws.
Oh, and...
c) The cat is likely to escape (at least once) because he is wily like that, and my clothes will get wet anyway.
Thanks. That'll be all. *grin*
Oksy, I lied. That's not all. Stolen from Ross and Anna...
I'm a minx! And, intense, thrilling *hugs* for you all. *grin*