(no subject)

Jan 10, 2006 12:11

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions, I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. If you could have any talent that you don't have, what would it be?

Hmm I think it would be teleportation or whatever it is called. I simply believe that it would be really cool to goto like australia or california or something random like that without it costing a large amount of money and taking a lot of time.

2. What's your favorite memory from the past year?

Best memory thats really hard because last year was probally the best year yet. So I shall choose 2. One was semi. It was great to dress up all nice and be along with my great friends. Another time i guess would have been at omni this summer on our night off when we were watching donny darko and day after tomorrow.. (no need to go into details on that night) it simply was amazing though

3. Where do you want to be ten years from now?

10 years eh.. well i will be 28 I'd love to be married. Maybe have children but i have no problem waiting a bit longer. Well thats enough of that part. I'd love to have a nice solid job that will allow me to have a future of travelling and what not.

4. Where do you think you will be ten years from now?

but will that all come true.. eh never know. I feel that i will change alot in college let alone the next few months.. we'll see how it goes

5. What do you love the most in the world?
I love my friends plain and simple
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