Lord have mercy, I don't know what's wrong with my mind lately! All week I've been like, "Philips' birthday is the 7th. Philips' birthday is the 7th. Which is Monday." (Which is actually the 11th. Huh?) I know. Craziness. Is it hormones? Age? Vacation brain? The chemical off-gassing of my new yoga mat? Damned if I know, but I've screwed up my dates in a major way. All I can offer is . . .
Um. Over the last couple of years, I think my grasp of narrative has weakened a little. See? It's not just dates.
Look! OMWF Buffy is using her apostrophes incorrectly, and I know that even she knows better than that. Nope. It's allll me, baby.
Okay, this was supposed to be some compensatory pr0n, but I think my guilt has rubbed off on the dolls . . .
And I can't even tell you what's happening here. The doll tea party, wifebeater Spike tending the tiny cast iron stove . . . I got nothin.'
Let's try some threeway action again. That never fails, amirite?
Sigh. So much sorry.
HAPPY HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, PHILIPS! ::throws arms wide and sings "I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby" until head falls off:: I hope it was a good one! I will be sending you an almost (but hopefully not quite) equally shameful assortment of things that I've been collecting for your *cough* birthday box. I LOVE YOU, MAN! SO MUCH! THIS YEAR I WILL SEE YOU AND WE WILL DRINK BOJITOS AGAIN. CAPSLOCK VOW WITH PINKY SWEAR!