Thanks to the sweet person who gave me a snowflake cookie for my profile! I've been waaaay out of the loop for the past four weeks caring for an injured parent on top of the usual working mama craziness, and this little pretty was much appreciated. Many thanks also to
louise39 for a lovely holiday card. It was the first card I received this season,and it's holding a place of honor on the mantel. And finally, a big ol' (shamefully belated) muchas gracias to
ladyaelfwynn for the generous gift of the book Vampire Haiku. Heeee! I've found both the historical and seasonal aspects of the haiku highly diverting. Thanks so much for sending me some giggles. They were most welcome!
Once the semester ends and I get this cranky old guy out of my house, I hope to come back and play. And finish my darned Seasonal Spuffy doll!fic. It looks so sad, lying in its file all neglected and uncaptioned. Also? I miss y'all liek whoa. ::huggles flist:: Hope all is well and that the season is being good to you and yours.