
Jun 01, 2009 18:42

The rest of the Round 10 winners have been announced over at the Fang Fetish Awards, and you could have knocked me over with a feather when I opened my inbox this morning and discovered that Crushed Spaiku had snagged a Judge's Choice award. Between the prettiness of the pretty (customized by subject matter, no less!) and the judge's kind words, this really stands out as one of the better anti-Mondays I've received in recent memory.

Kudos and much gratitude to the Fang Fetish folks for your hard work, and congratulations to all the winners! I'm very much looking forward to reading more of the entries for this round.

In other award news, I went to pick up Zgirl from school Friday and could barely see the child for the large and wholly unexpected trophy she was hiding behind. The plaque at its base read: "School Chess Champion: 2007/2008/2009." It's been a good couple of days around here for the geeky girls. :)

sheepishly tooting my own horn, thank you, award

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