if only i could find the words to say how much You've touched my life

Dec 18, 2005 14:02

So I'm in a good mood lately. :) yay

Monday was my official last day of school, so I pretty much got to chill out for the rest of the week. Tuesday I got most of my Christmas shopping done for friends, and me and Emily Self met up at the mall and hung out for a while.. soo fun. Wednesday I went to LMES to help my mom, and Thursday and Friday were more or less chill days where I didn't do a whole lot.. but I'm not complaining! haha and Friday my mom came home and had this picture for me of my PE class when they went to Wolf's Gym (ha.. I was definitely the only person in the class allowed to get out of that!) and they'd all written me notes on this piece of paper... that made for amusing reading.. Anna's definitely beat all of em! And.. yesterday me and my mom went Christmas shopping for me! So that was fun... I love getting somewhere around $500 worth of clothes for less than $200! hehe :D And last night was Cate's party!! yay!!! LOTS of fun- and I came out of it with a prom date. haha (already).. so I'm officially going to prom with Wes, and I'm very happy about that. :D yay

This week is pretty much packed.. including today. In about 20 minutes I'm headed out to Columbia to go to Wes's voice recital.. then I've gotta be back in Lexington by around 5:45 to go see This Man Called Jesus at LMBC again... my mom's going and needs someone to go with her.. besides more people are home this weekend from college who will be there, so I wanna go. And Ethan better show up this time. hehe... tomorrow we're going over to some friends' house for dinner, then I'm meeting the small group at Jess's house for the last half of that party.. and the rest of the week is taken up by random other get-together's which I won't go into at the moment... if ever. hehe

And that about does it for now I think.

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