Sherlock Fic: Drowning

Sep 20, 2010 17:47

Title: Drowning
Author: Dayja
Summary: Sherlock has never learned to swim.
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, sort of kid-fic (goes back and forth on the timeline a bit)
Warnings: Character death (not Sherlock or John but still a bit more traumatic than a random character on a random crime scene).
Spoilers: Series 1, particularly ep. 3
Disclaimer: I do not own and am not affiliated with the BBC Sherlock series. I am making no money from this.

Author’s Note: This story actually started off based upon the Sherlockbbc_fic prompt  of John teaching Sherlock to swim. Which made me think up reasons why Sherlock wouldn’t already know, which spawned a much darker and angstier version of such a story than the prompter was probably looking for.

Complete story here (minus epilogue.  I'm getting to it.  Eventually) in 13 parts.

mental disorder, character: watson, rating: r, warning: spoilers, character: mycroft holmes, character: holmes, emotional hurt, hurt/comfort, phobias, angst, warning: character death, friendship/non-slash, movie/tv canon

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